Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

As soon as I use the word “vulnerable” in a powerful speaking workshop, regardless of who’s in the room, there’s always a noticeable shift in the vibe that feels like a dull thud before protestations begin.

Despite vulnerability being a hot topic these days, thanks in massive part to researcher and best-selling author Brene Brown, I still watch people squirm at its mere mention.

People tell me they want to be inspiring. They understand the importance – the necessity – of getting people on board with their ideas and vision, whether they’re leading teams in an organisation, or entrepreneurs building a tribe. Yet, they’re not so keen on revealing much of themselves for fear of being seen as not necessarily having all the answers all the time, and therefore being perceived as weak or ineffectual.

All of that’s compounded by standing up on a stage – whether publicly or at work – with dozens, maybe even hundreds of pairs of eyes focused fairly and squarely on them. They – You – are expected to deliver.

I want to set something straight. You can’t be inspiring unless you’re inspired yourself, and prepared to courageously reveal how you’ve arrived at where you are, in ways that are useful to your audiences. It won’t mean much if it was straight As all the way with very little effort. No-one can learn anything from perfection.

I dream of leaders inspiring their people by wholeheartedly speaking about what inspires them, and being so genuine (that requires vulnerability!) it’s impossible not to want to be part of their vision and contribute to bringing it to life.

As I prepare to take a group of leaders who want to be more inspiring through my program Wise Talks in May, I thought it might be useful to have a chat with someone whose job it is to source inspiring speakers.

The best, most successful speakers have an ability to tell their story in a way that makes a difference for their audiences. The best leaders are charged with doing exactly the same.

imageI want to introduce Phil Luke, from Luke Corporate Speakers.

Click PLAY below to listen for Phil’s insights on:

It’s a quick interview… just 10 minutes. Click PLAY:


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If being a more inspiring leader is on your agenda (it is, right?) check out my program Wise Talks: Truth, Dare, Double Dare! The action starts in Adelaide on May 6. There are just 4 spaces left!

PS If you want to use public speaking to build your brand and business, and want to put yourself in front of a speaking agent, Phil Luke will be in the audience at the Wise Talks live event. Everything you need to know is right here.