Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Taryn Brumfitt: Working with Tricia Launched my Speaking Career


Taryn Brumfitt is an internationally recognised Body Image Activist. She came to me when she first had the idea for the Body Image Movement, wondering whether it would fly. After a big, fat “Yes, absolutely!” from me, she asked me to work with her to create her signature talk. She was adamant she wanted to become a professional speaker and would use speaking to spread the message of the Body Image Movement.

After spending a day with me, Taryn walked away with her signature talk and the ability to present it powerfully to inspire and move her audiences. She began setting up speaking engagements at local surf clubs and then her own events. I also helped her prepare for her first media interview, on Channel 9’s Today Show. Taryn has since  developed a worldwide phenomenon with the Body Image Movement. She’s written four books, has created two documentary movies, and speaks on the world stage, boasting engagements at Google headquarters in California and General Electric. She’s also the SA 2023 Australian of the Year.

When I decided to work with Tricia, I knew what I wanted to say but just had no idea how to structure my speech or where to begin. Tricia helped me put together all the pieces of the puzzle into one flowing talk. I learnt how to speak from a place of ‘realness’. What shifted for me most was knowing I can now present in front of an audience without notes, and just go for it and feel confident that what I’m saying will impact people positively. After working with Tricia, nothing is holding me back. There are no limits. Speaking publicly about Body Image Movement has taken on a new dimension.

Taryn is a wonderful example of a woman whose message means so much to her that she’s done everything she can to ensure it reaches as many people as possible. It all started with getting on stages and speaking powerfully.

Taryn Brumfitt, Founder, Body Image Movement

Bec Brideson: Rave Reviews from Publications Worldwide


Bec Brideson is a marketing to women consultant, speaker, change-maker and innovator. She approached me after accepting an invitation to speak on a global stage, at a prestigious festival in France. It was imperative she nailed the content of her talk and her delivery, knowing she’d been given an exceptional opportunity to spread her message to a much larger, international audience.

Bec’s relationship with speaking was mixed. She’d suffered a couple of difficult experiences on stage that she worried would impact her performance. She really wanted to shift past those and create a new, powerful story for herself as a dynamic and brilliant speaker.

She flew to me so we could spend two days together. She’d already accepted help from someone senior in her industry to create her talk, but as soon as she shared it with me I knew the words were someone else’s. They didn’t sound like her, but like someone she thought she should be. We worked on everything that was getting in her way of owning her message, unique medicine, and brilliance.

Bec went home armed with her new signature talk and all she needed to well and truly own the stage in France – and she did. She emailed me straight after her talk and said: I nailed it! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Since then, Bec has been invited to speak at several international conferences.

I was invited to speak as a global expert on an international stage, and I knew there was something holding me back from how I wanted to project myself and therefore be seen, and I needed input from a professional to unlock this and give me some tough love. Working with Tricia gave me the skills and resources to tap into my blockages and release myself from them. She provided a safe and nurturing environment to overcome them. Now I can call on the tools I’ve been shown to deal with my issues and “stuff” which will invariably come up. And I have the confidence that I know how to handle myself in these situations. Working with Tricia was liberating, inspiring and energising. Best of all, I nailed my talk and had people queuing up to listen to me, and I received rave reviews in publications around the world.

Bec Brideson, Director, Venus Comms

Ruth Barker: I wrote my Speech, Workshop & Book


Ruth Barker is a gutsy woman with a message that really packs a punch. After enduring a 41 year battle with Cystic Fibrosis, she received a life-saving double lung transplant. Ru has a no-nonsense approach to life, determined to make the most of the gift she’s been given. She wanted to use speaking to spread her message and help make a difference for others.

Ru asked me to help her craft her signature transformational talk, and then help her to use it to write a book and create a new workshop. During a half-day session to craft Ru’s talk, I showed her how she could write her book – “You Always Have a Choice”, and use the content to structure and develop a workshop. She went away and did exactly that – all of it! I also introduced Ruth to a speaking agent so she could secure new speaking engagements.

Ru is a firm believer that no matter where you’ve come from or what you’ve been through, you always have a choice. This is the message she shares in her talks, book and workshops. She continues to speak for various organisations and at events.

I engaged Tricia to assist me with designing a speaking business for Ruth Barker – You Always Have a Choice. Primarily, to take my life story and share it so that it would serve others in their own lives. Tricia had the knowledge and experience to do this effectively and in no time we had the platform displayed. I went on to write my speech, workshop and book based on this initial design consultation with Tricia. I was impressed with her ability to guide me through the exact procedure needed in a supremely organised manner and that she had the right attitude to instil confidence in my ability. Mostly though, she was honest. Honest, when she felt something could be done better and honest when she told me not to spoil myself with formal training. Tricia could have taken money from me – spending time ‘teaching me to speak’ – but she did not – because she knew that being raw was necessary for my purpose. I respect this immensely. I have no hesitation in recommending the skills of Tricia Karp to any potential speaker.

Ruth Barker, Speaker & Author, RuthBarker.com.au

Marisa Punshon: An Amazing Speech in Just One Hour!


Marisa Punshon is an accountant who works with female small business owners to help them create more cash in their business, increase their profits, and grow their business with confidence. She consults and has developed a range of fantastic courses, which she was keen to speak about at events.

Marisa wanted to start seeking speaking opportunities, and asked me to help her craft her signature talk. She also wanted advice on how to speak in a way that would attract clients, but not sound sleazy or pushy or salesy. She was particularly concerned about how to be natural and sell at the same time. I showed her how, when a talk is structured correctly, and contains the right stories to create connection with audiences, it easily and naturally builds trust and makes people want more of the benefits she has to offer. This is the beauty – and importance – of a well-crafted signature talk. Marisa was stoked with the results, and couldn’t wait to deliver the talk at an upcoming event!

After spending just one hour working with Tricia I was able to solidify and finalise a speech that I had been trying to put together for a year! She was able to help me sort out and identify the important stuff that should be included and then blend it together perfectly. I now feel confident that when I stand before an audience I will not only be able to provide information but also reveal my story and the motivators behind my business. I’d felt uncomfortable about speaking and trying to sell, and was worried I’d come across as too pushy or over the top. Now I feel comfortable to be myself and talk about what I offer in a way that will get results. It’s exciting!

Marisa Punshon, Director, Miss Moneypenny Presents