Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

How to make your audiences care (and get results)

One of the big problems I see for so many speakers is they don’t know how to make their audiences care about what they’re saying. If they organise the speaking event themselves, they go to enormous effort to get bums on seats. They carefully craft their signature talk, do all the marketing – usually for weeks and weeks, and then, when it comes to the speaking part, they deliver their talk in such a way that it doesn’t pack a punch, build trust, or get new clients.

The world needs to hear what you have to say

Most of what I consider my greatest achievements involved walking away. They came with a decision to let go, say goodbye, and walk – sometimes run – in another direction. My greatest achievements have been hard-won. I imagine yours have too. You may not have miraculously recovered from an incurable disease overnight, survived being shot 13 times by a mad man, or climbed Mt Everest. None of that is necessary for being a powerful speaker. You have a message to share and stories filled with wisdom that could make a difference for other people. Your words matter. Your voice matters. Your life, your experiences, and your truth matter.

How to share your message (and wisdom!) to make a difference

Depending on where you choose to place your attention, it’s highly likely you’re consuming too much junk food (and I don’t mean via the drive thru of your local Maccas). We’re fed a stodgy diet of fear-filled messages amidst rants and raves in the daily news and on social media. Messages that scream life is […]

Ten ways to be an inspiring leader

We live in a world where people who tell personal stories on stage are revered, anyone can be seen and heard more than ever before, and expressing vulnerability is the new black. Not at work though. And the gap is rapidly widening. If the keys to success as a leader for our times include connectedness, […]

Want to inspire? How deep have you dug into your soul?

As soon as I use the word “vulnerable” in a powerful speaking workshop, regardless of who’s in the room, there’s always a noticeable shift in the vibe that feels like a dull thud before protestations begin. Despite vulnerability being a hot topic these days, thanks in massive part to researcher and best-selling author Brene Brown, […]

How your ‘why’ will move others to action

At school, the theme for my eight year-old girl’s class last term was rainforests. It culminated with a couple of fundraising activities to adopt a pair of orangutans – two young buddies called Rocky and Rickina. So taken by the photos of the orangutans and their stories of despair – motherless and their habitat being […]