Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Stilettos and ugg boots: what it takes to speak powerfully

Every story of powerlessness and every insecurity you’ve ever known will get up next to you to clutch your hand every single time you stand up to speak. Before you craft a talk, let alone share it out loud, you need to start with your stories. Public speaking will become so much easier. And you’ll be far more powerful, perhaps even commanding the stage like a rock star.

Want to inspire? How deep have you dug into your soul?

As soon as I use the word “vulnerable” in a powerful speaking workshop, regardless of who’s in the room, there’s always a noticeable shift in the vibe that feels like a dull thud before protestations begin. Despite vulnerability being a hot topic these days, thanks in massive part to researcher and best-selling author Brene Brown, […]