Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

How to use your talks to get more clients (and not feel like vomiting)

This is NOT a video about how much money you’re leaving on the table (yucky marketing talk) if you don’t use your talks to sell. This IS a video about how many more people you can help with all the goodness you have to offer, if you can find a way to speak that feels natural and comfortable for you and your audiences. This applies to EVERYONE who speaks, by the way, even if you think you’re not trying to sell anything (you’re wrong). Oh, and this is also a video about one of the biggest mistakes I’ve made that guarantees I lose power and connection with my audiences. I bet you do this too.

30 things nobody tells you about powerful speaking

There’s all sorts of advice in books, online, and being espoused in public speaking courses everywhere about what you absolutely must know to stand up on a stage and own it. I’ve been speaking publicly since I first sat behind the microphone at 5AD, the radio station that offered me my first journalist and newsreader gig at the ripe old age of 20. I want to share with you what I’ve learned during my 25 years in the game so you can focus on what’s genuinely necessary to become a truly powerful speaker, and ditch everything else.

What you don’t want to talk about (and why powerful speakers do)

The most powerful speakers understand that strength without vulnerability depletes their power. They also get that vulnerability is a strength. So they do what it takes to stay connected with their truth and they speak it. And they keep speaking, holding firm to the message that matters to them, regardless of other people’s opinions, judgements or agendas. Because the message is too important to buy into that. Far out, that message is no less than what gives them their sense of purpose on this planet.

Come to bed with me: An interview on presence, power and truth

I’m building a temple. It’s called The Story Temple. And in it, you will discover and unleash the most powerful version of your voice – and yourself. The Story Temple is my brand new, 10-month program for women that I’ll be launching in January (when the silly season is over, and the ‘Woah, it’s a new year, and it’s time to get serious – and more powerful’ season begins). The best way to tell you all about it is via my voice talking rather than my voice writing here. So, I sat down with the fabulous Nicola Lipscombe (you know her, right? She’s the magic maker behind Powerful Listening. She’s the best listener).

They’re clapping for you! Feel the love

In my powerful speaking programs, something happens every single time that causes me to raise my voice and say, “No, no, no!” And then, “Go back and do it again!” It’s this: After delivering a brilliant talk, directly and powerfully straight from the heart, that leaves audience members marvelling and longing to clap loudly to show their appreciation, each woman walks away. I’m calling this for the big pile of poo it is. You diminish your power and presence when you do that. Stop.

Public speaking confidence: lessons from a kid who gets it

My daughter loves singing.

This year she joined the Australian Girls Choir. She was asked to audition for a solo in the Winter Showcase Concert, and was awarded a part. At the weekend, in front of more than 800 people, she stood out the front, microphone in hand, and sang her heart out.

Want to inspire? How deep have you dug into your soul?

As soon as I use the word “vulnerable” in a powerful speaking workshop, regardless of who’s in the room, there’s always a noticeable shift in the vibe that feels like a dull thud before protestations begin. Despite vulnerability being a hot topic these days, thanks in massive part to researcher and best-selling author Brene Brown, […]

From dread to excitement: public speaking made fun and powerful

Call me strange, but I love speaking in front of an audience.  I genuinely look forward to it.  I can’t wait to get up on that stage. I love it when people are so engaged that they hang off my words.  I love making people laugh and then saying something that makes them deadly silent […]

Why most public speaking courses are a waste of time and money

My career has been focused on speaking exceptionally well – as a TV and radio presenter, voice artist, and public speaker – and training others to do the same. As a corporate communications adviser, part of my role was to train leaders to be better presenters and speakers.  I used to video tape them, give […]

Eye Contact: Look at me please!

This is my daughter playing a mini green giant in a kids’ performance of Ella Enchanted last week.  Shows like these warm the cockles of my heart.  I love watching my girl on stage, even though she forgets half the words in the songs and lots of the dance steps. Which is why, she told […]