Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

You and me, one-on-one...

I want to tell you a story.

I recently helped a newly published author from Los Angeles prepare for a media interview.

She wrote a memoir – her first book – and was signed with her dream publisher and given a team of publicity agents.

The media interview she wanted help to prepare for was a live, 15 minute interview on a morning TV talk show in New York. She also had various other interviews lined up with publications including the New York Post, The Guardian, the Daily Mail, and Elle magazine – to name just a few.

Her book has been described as courageous and unflinching. When I read the first page, I thought, “Woah, that’s brave”.

This author was freaking out about being interviewed.

She worried she’d say the wrong thing, that people would judge her, that she wouldn’t get her message across, that she’d stuff up the whole thing and disappoint her publisher and the publicity team who’d invested so heavily in her success, and no-one would buy her book.


I want to tell you another story.

The other day I was speaking with a woman who presents regularly, has run her own business for 16 years, and has experienced much success for herself and working with her clients.

She told me she still has issues finding her voice. Her life patterns and habits take over and she struggles to find her authentic voice and the courage to use it when it really counts.

She said her vulnerability feels so large and she’s longing to feel truly comfortable within herself.

Her voice inside her head is constantly negating her, saying, “Who am I to say this? Isn’t this obvious to everyone? Why do people need to hear it from me? I might as well keep my mouth shut.”

She said she squishes herself down and makes herself small, even though she longs to put herself out there in ways she never has, and step into new levels of her power.


Can you relate? If so, I might be the perfect coach for you.

The women who work with me want to own who they are and what they say and do. They want to undo programming that keeps them from speaking up. They want to be powerful speakers.

This can be in any and every area of their lives: at work, home, with partners, family, children and friends. In conversations, meetings, public speaking, pitches and presentations, and media interviews. Here are some more reasons why my clients work with me:

  • They shy away from public speaking opportunities, and know they and their audiences are worse off for it
  • They undermine themselves and notice themselves shrink in the presence of people deemed “superior” or in positions of “higher authority”
  • They keep the peace instead of speaking up and they’re sick of the frustration and burden that come with that
  • They don’t back themselves and their knowledge and experience, and they watch other people who aren’t anywhere near as experienced or intelligent as they are race past them in their career
  • They want their relationships to be more real and meaningful, and know they need to speak up about how they feel, but aren’t sure how to do it and certainly don’t feel comfortable to do it
  • They have trouble asking for what they want and are fed up with holding back and not getting their desires and needs met
  • They worry too much about what other people think, and it stops them from being their most powerful selves when they speak
  • They don’t put up their hand for opportunities or promotions because they’re afraid of putting themselves out there and they know that has to stop
  • They’re firm on their convictions with some people, and then zip their lips with others, and don’t want it to be that way
  • They don’t get their message across clearly and feel frustrated about that, seeing how it’s impending their relationships at work or home and their career momentum
  • They worry about being too emotional, aggressive, or simply “too much” if they express what they truly feel
  • When they do stand up to speak, they don’t own the room, and aren’t as effective as they want and need to be
  • They avoid conflict and know they need to have some tough conversations but don’t know how to do it
  • They’d love to use the media to get attention for their business or cause, but are terrified of being interviewed

What all my clients have in common is this: They want to be comfortable in their own skin and speak powerfully – without apology.

I’m here to help you…

  • Find your authentic, powerful voice
  • Discover genuine, innate self-confidence born of self-belief and trust
  • Ask for what you want: a pay rise, different work hours, a new contract or opportunity
  • Stop shrinking, playing small or staying silent, and start speaking up
  • Become more visible at work
  • Work with nerves, stress and anxiety so you can be more relaxed when you speak
  • Own the room as a speaker
  • Speak powerfully in presentations, meetings, pitches and conversations
  • Prepare for a media or podcast interview
  • More strategically and comfortably instigate and navigate difficult conversations and conflict
  • Create a useful relationship with your “Chief Doubting Officer”
  • Develop and hone your leadership communication skills
  • Master the art of courageous and influencing conversations
  • Deepen your self-awareness
  • Leverage support and build connections
  • Cultivate a more magnetic, powerful presence when you speak
  • Discover and cultivate your authentic leadership voice
  • Create a powerful talk
  • Brand and market yourself in a way that’s aligned with your values and integrity
  • Own your wisdom, intelligence and brilliance
  • Hold yourself accountable for making change
  • Find deeper meaning and purpose
  • Take bold action, and create what you want for yourself
  • Be heard

I really didn’t like speaking in public. It was really difficult for me. But something just shifted for me when I worked with Tricia. It’s quite magical, the whole process. I do a lot of talking for my company and this has made it so much easier. It’s improved the way I present myself in meetings. I have more clarity and I get my point across. I still get nervous beforehand but I don’t try to suppress it and feel like I’m going to pass out (like I used to). I know how to use that energy now, I’m actually able to do it and know I’m not going to die!  I also tell my story and do my talks in a completely different way. The last one I did was in front of 60 strangers and I’d never been able to do that before. From that presentation I got a board position. That wouldn’t have been possible for me before. Working with Tricia was life-changing.

Chantale Millard, CFO

Where to start… Tricia is incredible to work with. My expectations were far surpassed and my confidence greatly improved. I now realise that I have a lot to offer as a speaker and team leader. I’ll be able to own and feel proud of my achievements. I’m not exaggerating when I say that working with Tricia was life-changing.  My confidence in my ability to sell myself to new clients has greatly increased.  It was an incredible three days at Tricia’s workshop, and I loved the connection with the other amazing women who participated.

Dorothy Di Stefano, Founder Molten Immersive Art

I worked with Tricia at a time of change, and I was experiencing fatigue and finding it harder to keep my game face on. In our work together I’ve learned that ‘No’ is a full sentence and I don’t justify myself anymore. I’m not sitting back quietly raging in my head when I hear or see bad behaviour. I speak up against it, letting my voice be heard. I’ve connected with my inner wisdom. And I no longer identify myself through my corporate role, but through those things outside work that make my heart sing.

~ Carolyn Parrella, Executive Manager

Thank you again Tricia, I have made some big shifts in my life after our work together. I have realised that living out of integrity is so detrimental to me. I am feeling so much stronger and clear. I realised that I needed to set boundaries and I’m doing that. I am still kind but also straightforward and direct, perhaps for the first time in my life. I’m getting everything in order in my personal life and business. You helped me see outside myself and open up to possibilities that I never considered, and create clear plans, and now they’re unfolding in my life! I’ve also just been asked to run a workshop interstate! Becoming clear about what I want has absolutely moved things forward in a very positive direction. Thank you for your wonderful sessions, I really value the work we’ve done together. I feel so much stronger and at peace.

~ Monika Browne, Teacher

Tricia was highly recommended by a business colleague as a great resource to develop public speaking skills. The idea of public speaking was very daunting, filling me with trepidation and nervousness. What was great about Tricia is that she works holistically – not only was she able to provide a structure to the content and delivery but with the combination of her vocal training expertise and energy work she provided the complete package. Tricia is very approachable and professional, she genuinely cares about people and puts her heart and soul into her work. She is passionate about bringing out the best in you in a supportive and nurturing way, building your confidence and making sure you get the support you need to be the best speaker you can be.

~ Joan Knezevic, Business Manager, Dress for Success

You can read more testimonials here, case studies here, and watch video testimonials here and here.

What if you knew you couldn’t get it wrong?

That’s a question I often ask my clients.

The author I mentioned above was so worried about messing up that she couldn’t see that there’s no-one in the world who can talk about her book like she can. No-one.

It’s the same for you, regardless of what you’re talking about. Your experiences, insights and wisdom are yours alone, to share in your unique way. What you feel is what you feel. It can’t ever be wrong. You can’t ever be wrong.

If you knew you couldn’t get it wrong, what would you say? What would you do? How would you put yourself out there?

I don’t put pricing on my website because my coaching programs are tailored to suit you.

For all my coaching I offer payment plans. I want to make it as easy as possible for you to invest in yourself, and your power.

Some people work with me for a few months, others spend a VIP day with me. VIP days work exceptionally well for women who like to get everything done quickly.

Let’s talk

Please book a time in my calendar for us to talk about what you want and need.

This is a complimentary 30 minute call and scheduling it doesn’t mean you’re obligated in any way whatsoever. I want to make sure that we’re the right fit to work together, and we’ll decide that during our call.

I look forward to speaking with you. Book your call here:
