Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

I’m building a temple. It’s called The Story Temple. And in it, you will discover and unleash the most powerful version of your voice – and yourself.

The Story Temple is my brand new, 10-month program for women that I’ll be launching in January (when the silly season is over, and the ‘Woah, it’s a new year, and it’s time to get serious – and more powerful’ season begins).

The best way to tell you all about it is via my voice talking rather than my voice writing here. So, I sat down with the fabulous Nicola Lipscombe (you know her, right? She’s the magic maker behind Powerful Listening. She’s the best listener).

I asked Nicola to interview me. On my bed. Which we happened to turn into a temple, of sorts! (Scroll down for the video).


The plan was to talk for about 10 minutes. We ended up raving for nearly 40, and had no idea we’d been chatting for that long.

Time disappears when you get real and present. There was laughter, and truth. So much truth. I reckon it’s the most candid interview I’ve ever done.

In the first part of the interview, leaning back on cushions and sitting on the sacred Story Temple rug, we talk about:

Watch the video. It’s just eight-and-a-half minutes of your time. Soak in the presence and truth.


Now, I invite you to ask yourself these questions:

Big questions. The Story Temple will help you not only answer them, but create what you want for yourself, in remarkably powerful ways.

Stay tuned for more of the interview next week, in which Nicola and I discuss why the world needs more women to stand up and speak, where our power lives, and the best ways to access it (it’s not the ways you’ve probably been told and trying. Trust me on that).


Is The Story Temple tickling your fancy? Want to know more? I’ll be holding a free preview teleclass in January and you’re invited!

Click here to take part, and get the dates for The Story Temple to put in your diary (yep, I’m going back to a good old-fashioned diary in 2016. No more digital calendars for me) and everything else you need to know.