Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

12 talks + my take: TEDx Adelaide

At the weekend I attended my first live TEDx event. There was such care and commitment from all the volunteers who created the event, and they crafted something very special. Close to the stage, lying back on a bright orange bean bag, with my note book and pen at the ready, I was excited to […]

Eye Contact: Look at me please!

This is my daughter playing a mini green giant in a kids’ performance of Ella Enchanted last week.  Shows like these warm the cockles of my heart.  I love watching my girl on stage, even though she forgets half the words in the songs and lots of the dance steps. Which is why, she told […]

What’s your care factor? Your audiences need to know

How many times have you sat through a presentation so boring that your mind started wandering and your attention was so far away from the presenter that you didn’t even know – or care – what he or she was talking about? How many times have you walked out of a presentation and forgotten, as […]

The essential components of powerful speaking: Courage and Leadership

Do you know what you’re here to offer? When you give you a presentation – or speak about what’s important to you in any situation – do you hold back? Do you tell yourself that what you have to say probably isn’t that important anyway? Do you err on the side of trying to keep […]

Why it’s okay to cry when you give a speech

From the very beginning, surrounded by people who couldn’t handle strong emotions being expressed, were you one of those little girls who was told off for crying?  Stop crying now!  Pull yourself together!  Cry baby!  Get over it!  I don’t want to hear it!  Grow up! The shame continues to be reinforced.  Now, as an […]

To PowerPoint or not to PowerPoint?

I don’t use PowerPoint. I don’t even know how to use PowerPoint.  That’s a deliberate choice I’ve made. Why?  Because I want to be the kind of speaker who can engage and captivate my audience all on my own.  I want to tell stories and share them in ways that make people care so that […]

The key to being an unforgettable speaker

There are plenty of people who do what you do. People who’ve earned the same credentials as you, have been taught by the same teachers, have taken a similar career path, have worked with the same clients, and have as much experience as you. It’s true too that only you can do what you do […]

How to get noticed and build respect

When I was creating my latest workshop program, Unprecedented Confidence, I interviewed a range of leaders – men and women – from large organisations. I wanted to know how the women in their organisations hold themselves back when it comes to presentations, meetings, interviews and pitches. Our discussions were frank. I gleaned a massive amount […]

How to inspire people every time you speak

In the past week I’ve met with ten different people.  With each one, I spent about an hour or so drinking peppermint tea, chatting, connecting and establishing new business relationships. Two of those people I remember distinctly.  Each made such an immediate and profound impression on me that I walked away thinking Wow, what an […]