Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

hide_under_deskWhen I was creating my latest workshop program, Unprecedented Confidence, I interviewed a range of leaders – men and women – from large organisations.

I wanted to know how the women in their organisations hold themselves back when it comes to presentations, meetings, interviews and pitches.

Our discussions were frank. I gleaned a massive amount of information.  And I walked away from those meetings with mixed feelings.  My interviews confirmed I’d nailed the focus and content of my workshop program.  I was inspired and motivated.  And I was deeply concerned too, although not surprised, to hear stories that affirm the path for many women is still slow and silent.

Here’s some of what those leaders shared with me.  They said many of the women:

Those words were repeated by different people from different organisations.  It’s the most recent snapshot of the state of gender imbalance in SA.

What those leaders shared with me raised even more questions than they answered.  I’ll discuss them in further posts. Right now, I want to focus on speaking of the public variety.

Presenting, speaking up in meetings, public speaking – and creating other opportunities to share your knowledge and experience – are excellent ways to get known, build trust, respect, and your reputation, grow your business and get ahead.

It means giving yourself permission to step out of your comfort zone, backing yourself, having a go, and claiming your skills, knowledge, experience – and power.

Here’s how to start:

There’s no better way to get noticed than standing up and speaking.

Know that what you have to say matters. In fact, it’s essential.  Your clients and customers – current and potential – and managers rely on your advice, guidance and wisdom.  They rely on your voice.

Hiding doesn’t serve anyone.

About the author

Tricia Karp is dedicated to helping women develop their power and leadership through powerful self-expression.  She’s the founder of www.TriciaKarp.com, where she shares her strategies and wisdom for becoming a world class speaker and communicator.

To find out about Tricia’s latest Australian workshop – Unprecedented Confidence come over here.