Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

happy family boundaries 2Oh, the joys of Christmas.

When families come together, there’s a tendency for buttons to be pushed, and bad behaviour to blurt out.

Beautiful boundaries are essential. And they’re tricky for those of us who care deeply and value being kind.

In the second part of my Christmas Talk Tip audio series, I talk about clean, clear and happy family boundaries.

I have a feeling some of your buttons will be pushed when you listen to this.

I want you to know that it’s absolutely possible to be kind, gracious and deeply respectful to others – and yourself – at the same time.  That’s what beautiful boundaries are all about.

Listen up for what to say, and how to say it, to the relative (or anyone else):

 All you need to do is click PLAY:

Please share this with those women dear to you who could do with some help with their boundaries. You can use the “like” or “share” buttons at the top of the audio graphic.

Tomorrow, I’ll give you the final audio in my three-part series.  It’s about being gracious.  Because I think the world could do with more graciousness.


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