Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

What if you could inspire people to get on board with your vision and ideas?

What if you could stand on a stage, own it, and make a difference with your words?

What if you could access greater levels of genuine confidence every time you speak to a group, in any situation?

What if you could build a tribe, start a movement, or perhaps even plant the seeds of a revolution?

Wise Talks is a public speaking program paving the way for you to do just that

You have ideas, a purpose, knowledge and experiences that someone – likely a lot of people – can benefit from.

You’ve watched a few TED talks and wondered, Could I do that? Do I have the kind of message or idea that’s worth spreading? Could I really make a difference with my words? Am I brave enough to shift past what’s been holding me back and stand up and speak to a live audience?

Perhaps you’re an entrepreneur who wants to use public speaking to spread your message and grow your brand.

Maybe you’re a leader who wants and needs to be more inspiring so you can compel people to do what you’re asking.

Perhaps you’re at a turning point in your career or life and ready to explore a new idea.

Maybe you’re ready to present a much more confident and powerful version of yourself to the world.

Or perhaps you just want a new challenge, to push your limits, to dare yourself to do something new.

Either way, the time is ripe for you to stand and deliver a Wise Talk.

What is a Wise Talk?

Quite simply, a Wise Talk is a talk that delivers a message that has the potential to make a difference. That’s the intention. And I’m here to tell you that you have what it takes to deliver such a message in an inspiring way. Everyone does.

This is how we do it

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Wise Talks is a four week program in Adelaide. The next series starts on September 17, and runs until October 8, 2015.

You’ll come with the seeds of an idea, and the course will take you through the process of creating and delivering a short TED-style talk in front of a live audience.

Your talk will be filmed by a professional cameraman. You’ll get a digital copy of your talk, professionally branded and produced, that you can use whichever way you like: perhaps on your website, social media, to show to a speaking agent, or just to keep and watch as a memento of your achievement.

Using the tenets of the best TED talks, as well as the concept of Truth, Dare, Double Dare (just like the game you might have played when you were a child – except there’s no Kiss, Pash or Torture. I promise!) this is how the program will run:

Audio Class

Two weeks before our first in-person workshop, you’ll begin by listening to an audio class. This is all about helping you unlock and clarify your purpose and passion, the value in your idea – and yourself. We’ll cover:

Workshop Week 1: Truth

We get down to business to help you tap in to the inspiring speaker within. This can’t be faked. You can’t inspire others unless you’re inspired yourself. We’ll cover:

Workshop Week 2: Dare

It takes courage to share your ideas with the world. And, for anyone to take notice, you need to share them in a way that’s brand new.

We’re going to get seriously creative here, and have lots of fun. I’m daring you to put yourself out in a way you never have before. We’ll cover:

Workshop Week 3: Double Dare

This week’s all about everything you need to know to rock the stage and have a ball while you’re doing it.
We’ll cover:

Week 4: Live Talks Event

This is when you stand and deliver, in front of a live audience. You’ll be blown away by the magic that happens in the room on the night. This is going to be very special.

You’ll do your talk, be amazing, and take in the generous applause from the audience. And, it’ll all be captured on video.

Read my refunds and cancellations policy right here.

Want to know more? Keep going…

So who am I to run this show anyway?

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Excellent question! I believe the world needs more wise words well-spoken, and this work is my contribution. I also believe the world needs more inspiring leaders.

One of my big WHYs is helping people make a difference with their words. Time and again I’ve experienced the power of public speaking – when it’s done exceptionally well – to unite a group of people in a room and make a difference beyond that room for months, even years to come.

One of the things I live for is the moment of connection that always happens at least once during a talk when a speaker knows how to hold the audience in the palm of their hand. It’s exquisite.

I’m a former prime time TV news presenter, journalist and voice artist now on a mission to help create connected and collaborative workplaces and communities where everyone’s driven by a purpose that truly matters to them. I love helping leaders to inspire, so they can get people on board with their vision and produce results beyond their wildest imagination.

I’m the author of two books, including a number one Amazon bestseller. I’ve been running powerful public speaking programs for the past few years, and last year, I ran the Powerful Speaking Retreat in the Byron Bay hinterland for a group of people who came from around Australia.

I work with all sorts of leaders, including change makes, Olympic athletes, CEOs, creators of movements, business owners and entrepreneurs.

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Have a listen to what past participants say about this program…

Tique Bennett, Managing Director. Check out Tique’s talk here

Renee Blethyn, State Leader – Finance Industry. Check out Renee’s talk here

Nicola Lipscombe, www.powerfullistening.com.au. Check out Nicola’s talk here

Is Wise Talks right for you?

I want to be very clear about this. The Wise Talks program isn’t for everyone.

You can be a beginner – you don’t have to be an experienced public speaker. We’ll work on dealing with nerves and building genuine confidence. AND you need to be able to commit to standing up on the stage and presenting to the live audience. The audience will be expecting you, and wanting what you have to offer. You need to be able to say yes, 100%.

I want you to shine and be amazing on that stage, and in return for your commitment I’ll give you everything I’ve got.

This is an intensive program. You’ll need to spend time between workshop sessions refining and practicing your talk. My goal – and what I’m renowned for – is creating safe, supportive and fun workshops that get outstanding results, often beyond expectations.

Many of my clients say the work we’ve done together has changed their lives. In all my public speaking workshops, my clients joyfully report an increase in confidence of more than 60%.

I do my best work with people who are team players and prepared to work collaboratively. Everyone gets so much more out of it when it works that way. If that’s not you, Wise Talks isn’t for you.

“My expectations were far surpassed and my confidence greatly improved. I now realise that I have a lot to offer as a speaker. Tricia is incredible to work with”

Dorothy Di Stefano, Account Director

“I’m amazed at how confident I feel about delivering my message”

Jane Lacey, Managing Director

“Working with Tricia was life-changing. I went from dreading presentations to speaking in front of 60 strangers and getting a board position. That wouldn’t have been possible for me before”

Chantale Millard, CFO Want to watch some testimonials on video? Click here.

You’re still here! Let’s get down to logistics

Please stay tuned for new workshop dates in 2016.

The program includes:

What’s more, you’ll leave the Wise Talks program with:

Your investment includes tuition, a light supper at the workshop evenings, 2 x 30 minute private coaching sessions, and a professionally produced video of your talk at the live event.

If you have any questions at all, please call me or drop me a quick email at tricia@wisetalk.com.au.

Please come over here for my refunds and cancellation policy.

Sitting on the fence?

If you’re having mixed feelings, let me help you. From my own experience, every time I’ve decided to invest in myself and push my limits, it’s been so worthwhile, and, often, a priceless experience.

I’ve learnt to trust goosebumps, and butterflies in my tummy, when there’s something calling me that will take me out of my comfort zone.

So, if any of the above (and you’re still here, so that has to say something!) tickles your fancy, please say yes to yourself and book your space now. You’ll know if you’re meant to be part of the Wise Talks program. Trust yourself and your knowing.

Oh, and one more thing…

When you choose to step up to the next level, life has an uncanny way of meeting you there. People take more notice of you, your message and your expertise. You gain greater levels of trust and respect.

You create a lot more impact every time you get up to speak. You might even start to become known as a thought leader in your field.

There’s a brilliant speaker inside you. I want you to know the freedom, deep satisfaction and excitement that comes from powerfully sharing your message with audiences that can’t wait to hear it.

Dive in. I dare you. I’m so here for you.


Nikki Fort, www.nikkifort.com. Watch Nikki’s talk here

Renuka Prasad Gupta, www.renukaprasadgupta.com. Watch Renuka’s talk here

Helen Fletcher, Coach & Trainer. Watch Helen’s talk here

Sally Curtis, Franchise Development Manager. Watch Sally’s talk here

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