Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

I have a lot of time for Dyana Valentine.

She calls herself an oracle, outlaw, and instigator, and you’d better believe it’s true. Fiery, punchy, alarmingly intuitive and committed to pushing you to the edge of what you thought possible and making damn sure you follow through, Dy works internationally with people already playing big in their businesses and ready to be even greater.

Dy’s a brilliant dynamo.  She’s loud and doesn’t apologise for it.  She’s super intelligent.  She doesn’t hold back, and won’t let you either.

Dy’s hard core.  And fiercely loving.

And our conversations always ensure loads of reflection, for me, afterwards.  More than leaving an impression, Dy makes a whopping impact.

Today I launch The Great Power Giveaway.  It’s an opportunity for you to share what power means for you, with prizes for the winners (work with me!) and donations to Women for Girls, to help empower girls to change the world.

In the next couple of weeks, I’m going to share interviews with all sorts of wonderful and inspiring women who riff with me on power.  I’m so excited, I can’t wait to reveal who they are.

It seemed fitting to talk power with Dy.  Actually, we spoke for 40 minutes about all kinds of things, including our shared specialty – the problems with saying sorry.  I want to share that with you another time.  For now, I  give you Dy’s take on power.

She talks about honesty, being grounded, adornment, and righteousness.

It’s short, sharp and packed with… yes, power.  Just press ‘play’ and away she goes.


[ca_audio url=”http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15727064/Dyana%20Valentine%20power%20pitch%202%202.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]



               Enter here! 

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