Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

You know Mia Freedman, right?

She’s the editor and publisher of Mamamia, the go-to site for Aussie women that covers… well, everything. Motherhood, feminism, body image, career and politics. Food, sex, dating, fashion and celebrities.  Mamamia starts conversations and tens of thousands of people  join in, every single day.

Mia Freedman has built her career around creating communities for women.  She was the Editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, and then the Editor in Chief of Cosmo, Cleo and Dolly.

The Mamamia brand is online, and on air with a radio show.  Mia writes a newspaper column, appears weekly on The Today Show, and she’s written three books.

Yes, she has a lot going on.  She’s a mama to three kids too.

And her other baby is promoting positive body image in the media.  Mia was the Chair of the Federal Government’s former National Advisory Group on Body Image.  She’s on a mission to get the media to declare when photos have been airbrushed.  She publishes photos of women who aren’t destined for the catwalk. 

She’s had it with pictures of celebrities whose post-baby bodies have miraculously ‘bounced back’ in just a few weeks adorning front covers of magazines.  And she’s not the only one.

It seemed only natural to chat with Mia about her take on power, as part of The Great Power Giveaway.

Because, surely, being a victim to other people’s perceptions – I have to lose weight because  slim is sexy!  Botox and silicone are my best friends because they make me look younger  – is a form of giving away your power.

Click play to listen to Mia Freedman talk about:


[ca_audio url=”http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15727064/Mia%20Freedman.mp3″ width=”500″ height=”27″ css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player”]


So, have you entered The Great Power Giveaway yet?  There are prizes, a gorgeous Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women poster for everyone who enters, and I’m donating money for each entry to Women for Girls, to help empower girls to change the world.


Oh, and just for the record, the photo on my home page was photoshopped by my photographer, Donatella.  I’m happy to declare that.  I also recognise it raises more questions than answers.  Leave it with me…