Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Do you want to express yourself more powerfully but don’t know where – or how – to start?

Maybe there’s something burning inside you, longing to be expressed.

Maybe you’re at a turning point, and want to discover what’s yours to say now.

Maybe you’ve held yourself back out of fear of being criticised, rejected or failing.

Is it time for you to write the story of your life?

Writing is one of the most potent ways to dive deep, unlock your wisdom, find your voice, and define your central message and story – the one that you were born to live, out loud.


What if you could experience the liberation and freedom of writing and sharing your words without worrying about what other people will think?

What if you had time free of distractions and pumped full of inspiration?

What if you discovered how to do your best writing without pushing, or trying hard?

What if you could immerse yourself in lush, natural surrounds, be fed nourishing gourmet meals, do daily yoga, walk through terraced rice paddies every morning, laze by the pool and be treated in a luxury day spa – and do the writing of your life?

What if every single thing was taken care of for you so you could just write and relax?

What if you had a published author and powerful speaking coach on call to guide you, and help you discover or refine the message that’s yours to share, and draw out the stories that are yours to write?

What if you could take part in sacred circles and writing sessions that open your heart and creativity, reconnect you with your deepest knowing, and shut up the voices that want to shut you down?

And, what if you could do all that with a circle of wise, smart and dynamic women who will cheer you on, giggle and play with you, and inspire and honour you for all the magic gifts you have to offer?

Sound Amazing? Oh, it will be!

You’re invited to a very special luxury Story Temple Writing Retreat in Bali: June 20-25, 2016.

Look at where we’re staying! Keep reading for more details…


Who it’s for

This retreat has your name all over it if you:

You need to know that:

Your voice matters. Your life matters

It’s an old story, born of generations of women who were powerless – and quiet. They were smart, but had no choice except to stay silent and invisible.

We have so many opportunities these days to use our voices. Women do it best, especially, when we use our voices to give power to others, and make a difference in the world. We have the freedom to live out loud. And when a group of women with the same purpose get together to collaborate and support one another? Watch out world!

But the legacy of those powerless women before us lives on, inside us. We zip our lips. We don’t want to offend anyone. We keep quiet when our truth is to speak up. We try to keep other people comfortable. We don’t ask for what we want. We don’t put ourselves out there. We don’t put up our hands. We don’t use our voices. We don’t demand to be heard – and respected.

When it comes to writing, so many of us shove down our magnificence even further, telling ourselves we can’t do it so what’s the point?

Writing can be a super highway to your truth, and a life lived well and truly on your terms.

Let’s do this, shall we?

What you’ll take away from our time together

Our time together will be creative, juicy, inspiring and fun. Plus, you’ll get lots of handy tools you can use in the rest of your life too, not just for writing.

Here’s what you’ll get:

A few words from women who’ve been on retreat with me:


I felt like the retreat had a very subtle, powerful way of bringing me into such clarity about what I want to say to the world and the way Tricia does it is so delicate, I didn’t feel under pressure at all. What an amazing retreat, it was awesome. I feel as a person I’ve been given the thumbs up, like go out there and do your thing, you’re ready, it’s all there for you. It was an incredible retreat.

Cyd Saunders, Artist

It has been life changing, it’s allowed me to be vulnerable, to be me, and to realise I am enough. It was magnificent, the people, the connections, the synchronicity, I’ve never experienced anything quite like it. It was wonderful!

Susan Ashby, Transition Manager

The retreat was a really unique experience. Tricia is an extraordinary facilitator and leader who has a capacity to create an experience for people where there’s safety so they can go deep and find their inner story. I also think being on retreat has provided a space for things to bubble up and that’s been a really important part of it. Being with other women was an opportunity to see we’re all the same and it was so supportive for all of us and that was another beautiful thing about the retreat.

Dr Elise Bialylew, Founder, Mindful in May

You can more rave reviews here, and watch video testimonials here and here.

Wondering how you’ll make it happen?

Does The Story Temple Writing Retreat feel like a big, fat yes please for you? But you’re wondering how you can make it happen? And whether you even should? (The “should” word, by the way, is banned for powerful speakers. We don’t live in the world of shoulds. We dance with the what if? and being true to ourselves. Just saying).

I understand. Every time I make a big investment in myself like this the voices in my head inevitably start screaming, “What were you thinking? You can’t do that! You have to do this, and this… And what if you don’t like the other women? What if you feel like you don’t fit in and then feel trapped? And what if you don’t even feel like writing anymore even though you thought you did when you signed up?”

Let’s add more fuel to the fire of those voices: “It’s a week off work, I can’t justify spending that time away, there’ll be too much to do when I get back…”

Here’s the thing. When I go away, which means stepping away from the daily grind, I learn new things and rediscover myself – all the good parts. I stop pushing and rushing and trying and stressing and all that doing. I have fun. I’m more creative. I’m usually changed in good ways. Profound ways.

I come back to my world with new stories to tell and fresh ways of being that make my life better.

It’s always so worth what it takes to make it happen. Always.

Give yourself the gift of time-out used purposefully. You’re worth it.

This has just been an amazing opportunity. The connections developed are so deep and so profound and I wouldn’t have been anywhere else. I think everyone takes away something unique, something that’s meant just for them, I don’t think it can be predicted in advance. It was a beautiful experience, I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.

~ Jo Tregear, Trainer & Coach, Achieving Results

The retreat was amazing, a really safe space to really dig deep and I feel a lot more confident now. It’s just been a really nourishing experience on a mental, spiritual and physical level. I loved the bushwalking, the amazing food, beautiful bed and surroundings, and it was so nice to retreat every night and not have to go home or to the office, and have a block of time where you can really reflect on what you’ve worked on during the day. It was a really safe environment with a lot of other really inspiring women.

~ Kate Pembroke, Communications Strategist, KP Comms

I feel much more confident. There is nothing similar about this all-female forum than any female forum I’d been in before, there was no victimisation, it’s all about how powerful being a woman is and that’s very different from what I’ve experienced in the past. Tricia’s ability to do that and to pull together such a wonderful group of women was an amazing experience and I’m very grateful for that.

~ Lynn Bailey, Senior Manager Medical Services

I feel wonderful! It’s been lovely getting to know everyone, the people I’ve met on this retreat will end up being friends. What I’ve gained is to just be myself, talk the truth, and don’t stress about things. I want to say what a fantastic experience this has been.

~ Suzy Heremaia, Consultant

What we’ll do together

During our sessions I’ll offer you prompts and plenty of guidance to help you discover what’s yours to say and craft the story of your life.

First and foremost, we’ll work on getting to the heart of what you have to say, and how to access that place of honesty in your writing.

This is a journey to the heart of your passion and purpose, and no less.

I’ll show you simple ways to access and get your message across powerfully, and how to write quickly and effectively when you need to, without compromising on quality.

I’ll teach you how to make peace with your self-doubt and the critical voices that show up (hint: peace comes from making friends with them). This will impact every area of your life, not just your writing.

We’ll look at how to start writing, and keep going.

I’ll also offer insights from my own experiences as a journalist with tight deadlines, how I tackle writing articles and my weekly love letter, and how I wrote both of my books in just a few weeks while also managing my business and family (and no, I’m not Wonder Woman).

You’ll have me on call when you hit any roadblocks, like listening too much to that voice in your head that’s screaming at you that you’re not good enough and you should just shut up.

Come ready to discover and express your truth, and watch the profound insights that arise for you during our time together. Expect to leave with golden nuggets of wisdom to inform the next steps in your life.

As with all my work, The Story Temple Writing Retreat promises to be fun – and transformational.

This retreat is NOT for you if:

Your Retreat Facilitator (that’s me)


I’ve been writing for professionally for 25 years, firstly as a journalist, which included writing for TV, radio, and magazines. I’ve been blogging, usually once a week, for five years. I’ve also written and published two books: the number one Amazon bestseller Own It: Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women and Media Talk

Each book taught me so much about writing, creativity, dealing with self-doubt, getting and staying inspired, and how to keep putting my fingers to the keyboard so I could get the job done. They also taught me that the process of writing is far more meaningful for me than the result of holding my book in my hand for the first time, or how many copies I’ve sold.

I use writing to make sense of my world. I use writing to find out what’s mine to say from the deep down places I have difficulty accessing any other way. I do my best thinking when I write. I journal, sometimes more often than not.

I write because I’m a writer and am a much happier and better person when I write regularly. Having said that, I don’t know if I’d write nearly as often publicly if I knew no-one was reading my words.

I write my weekly love letters  as a way of staying connected with my fabulous tribe of women who want to be powerful speakers. I’m often at my most vulnerable in those love letters, and willingly share my experiences and lessons on the path to being a more powerful speaker – and person.

I’m best known for creating safe and supportive workshop environments for women to explore, push their boundaries – and shine. My approach is warm and direct, hearty and playful, with a little bit of magic thrown in for good measure.

I promise you, I will hold you to your wholeness – and greatness. Because you’re amazing. And, like me, I bet you need reminding.

Where we’re staying (it’s so beautiful!)


We’re staying at the stunning Uma by Como Resort. It’s a luxury hotel near the artists’ town of Ubud, surrounded by rainforests and terraced rice paddy fields.

I do mean luxury. This is high-end, with everything you’d expect when you want to be looked after to the max!

The accommodation is exquisite (the rooms have private outdoor showers), and the natural, lush surrounds peaceful and stunning. Uma by Como is also known for its sophisticated Shambala cuisine that’s light and healthy.

The resort has an emphasis on wellness, and the Shambala spa offers holistic Asian-inspired treatments, reflexology, yoga and meditation.

Uma by Como provides a secluded environment, and activities and services to complement your journey of reflection, uncovering more of your wisdom, and doing your best writing.

We’ll share a meal together every night in the open-air candle-lit restaurant beside a waterfall-fed pond. There’ll be time for you in the day spa, and more downtime to enjoy the pool, yoga, and morning walks through the rice paddies.

The goal is connection, restoration and nourishment. It’s about space to be, revelling in the magic and wisdom that arise from not pushing or doing too much.

Uma by Como Resort is the perfect environment for connecting with yourself and accessing your deepest truth and writing your stories. You’ll write, and we’ll share. Our time together is all about communicating in fresh ways that connect.

Here’s how our typical day together will look:

Breakfast in the Kemiri Restaurant, next to the waterfall-fed pond

Morning Walk through the rice paddies

Group circle & writing session in our private lounge, in the garden, or by the pool

Lunch by the pool or the pond

Afternoon Free writing and relaxation time for you to spend any way you like: laze by the pool, indulge in a massage in the day spa, do an afternoon yoga class, or visit a local temple. A regular shuttle from the resort to the town of Ubud is available

Writers’ Café: I’ll be available in the afternoons to consult with you one-on-one. Bring all your questions about anything to do with writing

Dinner in the Kemiri Restaurant

Evening Reading circle, then free time

Think writing, sharing, connection, delicious meals, lazing by the pool, massage and plenty of play.

Think nourishment for your soul, and reverence – all for you.


Your Investment & Next Steps

Registration is now open for The Story Temple Writing Retreat, June 20-25, Bali.

Everything is included in your investment: Luxury accommodation in your private double room, all gourmet meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), tuition, free in-room WiFi, daily yoga classes, daily morning walks, massage, and airport transfers.

You’ll also receive a group coaching call with me three weeks after the retreat to reconnect with the power of your voice, ask questions, and discuss any issues that have arisen as you’ve integrated back into your daily life. This will happen on Tuesday July 19.

Your flights to Bali are your responsibility. I have a wonderful travel agent taking care of the retreat for us. She will book your airport transfers and can also arrange flights for you, and extra accommodation if you decide to arrive earlier or stay longer.

Upon registration you’ll be sent a welcome pack that will include her contact details, as well as start and finish times, and what you need to bring to the retreat. Please don’t book your travel until you’ve received this.

You’ll need to arrive on Monday June 20th to settle in, and we’ll start playing and writing together first thing on Tuesday 21st.

Cancellation policy

Registration for this program is non-refundable. You are welcome to send someone else in your place.

On this website, you’ll find plenty of information to help you make an informed decision. If you still have questions, you’re welcome to contact me directly.

Before you register, please read all of the program information to make sure The Story Temple Writing Retreat is right for you. By clicking on one of the Registration buttons below, you acknowledge that you accept these terms.


Early bird registration is open now until 6pm (SA, Australia time) Friday February 12th. You’ll save AUD $750 (to pay for your flights + do some shopping).

Your investment is: USD $4750  

You have 3 investment options:

Option 1: Secure my place

(Deposit of USD $1000)

* The balance of USD $3750  is due on Thursday April 28th


Option 2: Full Investment

One single up front payment of USD $4750


Option 3: Payment Plan

If you would like a payment plan, please contact me during the early bird registration period – before February 12th – to discuss your options.

If you know this is for you, then take action today and secure your place. I keep the numbers in the group small to create a more intimate and powerful learning experience. There are strictly limited spaces available.

The Story Temple Writing Retreat is a unique opportunity to discover and unleash the power of your voice, and write your way home.

The Story Temple Writing Retreat is also offered as part of a package with two other powerful speaking workshops: The Powerful Speaking Circle and a public speaking program called The Temple Talks.

Please click here to learn more, and make a significant saving.