Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Nurturing leadership: how do you do it?

If you’re a woman who’s up for climbing the corporate ladder, you likely know that, if you want to lead, you should stop being the one who makes the coffee for others at work, tidies up the trays of stale sandwiches, and is too helpful. If you’re a man who’s up for climbing the corporate […]

How to be inspiring

What is it about those leaders others deem inspiring? Having run powerful speaking programs for the past few years, and taught participants how to genuinely connect with their audiences – and even experience the delight and power of holding those audiences in the palm of their hand – I’ve noticed it comes down to just […]

What’s your likeability factor?

Like it or not, likeability is a factor to your success.  And it’s crucial. In her book Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg, the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, says she wants the likeability factor for women to go away.  She also says that women should be relentlessly pleasant or delicately honest. It’s not something she wants […]