Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

How to share your message (and wisdom!) to make a difference

Depending on where you choose to place your attention, it’s highly likely you’re consuming too much junk food (and I don’t mean via the drive thru of your local Maccas). We’re fed a stodgy diet of fear-filled messages amidst rants and raves in the daily news and on social media. Messages that scream life is […]

How to have a powerful presence

Let’s set something straight. Being confident, which is often seen as the holy grail of having a powerful presence, is over-rated. Yes, I really did say that. Everyone wants to appear confident. Yet, confidence takes so many different forms. Whenever people tell me they want to be perceived as confident, and I ask them what […]

How to own the room before you even open your mouth

“I had no idea it would be like this,” said one of my clients, recently promoted to a leadership role. “I have 5 people in my team, and I just realised I don’t have to do all the work I used to do because that’s their job. Really, I have to build relationships now and […]