Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

How your ‘why’ will move others to action

At school, the theme for my eight year-old girl’s class last term was rainforests. It culminated with a couple of fundraising activities to adopt a pair of orangutans – two young buddies called Rocky and Rickina. So taken by the photos of the orangutans and their stories of despair – motherless and their habitat being […]

How to own the room before you even open your mouth

“I had no idea it would be like this,” said one of my clients, recently promoted to a leadership role. “I have 5 people in my team, and I just realised I don’t have to do all the work I used to do because that’s their job. Really, I have to build relationships now and […]

I know how to ask

By Sarah Voigt Last week I had the pleasure of joining one of Tricia’s workshops: How To Ask For What You Want. The day was full of laughter, reflection and incredible support from the 17 other women in the room.  All of these women were absolutely radiant, and it caught me off guard that they […]

5 things every woman must stop doing in her career

A client asked me the other day whether, during conversations with a few female members in his organisation, I’d heard anything that was unique to his company. “No,” I told him.  “I heard what women tell me all the time in just about every organisation.” Now I want to share with you the most common workplace […]