Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

I know how to ask

By Sarah Voigt Last week I had the pleasure of joining one of Tricia’s workshops: How To Ask For What You Want. The day was full of laughter, reflection and incredible support from the 17 other women in the room.  All of these women were absolutely radiant, and it caught me off guard that they […]

Knowing your value

I’m willing to bet that other people value you and your contribution far more than you value yourself. Here’s why that matters: When you depreciate your own value, you say yes to the job/client/contract that isn’t paying you enough because you want the work – and then you’re resentful for sacrificing your needs and desires […]

Asking for something you want? What are you prepared to give?

This asking for what you want thing is a big deal. Time and again, women tell me they either don’t ask often enough, or when they do, they don’t even get close to the results they want. That means there are opportunities being wasted.  Financial rewards going to someone else.  Help not being received.  New […]