Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Early bird registration is now open for Soulful Speaking: March 23 -25, 2017, in Adelaide, SA

I have three questions for you:

  1. What if you could stand on a stage, speak, and feel free and powerful, maybe even comfortable and peaceful?
  2. What if you could speak in a way that makes your words land in people’s hearts, so that they feel inspired and motivated?
  3. What if you could do all that without having to learn a bunch of new techniques?

You can. I invite you to come with me.

We’re going to spend three days together with a small group of other dynamic, inspiring and supportive women who believe it’s important to try to be a positive difference in the world, and are ready to speak powerfully.

Here’s what I’ve prepared for you:

I see you.

You are smart and brilliant and wise.

You care about making a difference and you know that speaking to a group can be one of the best ways to serve and make a profound impact on lots of people.

You know you have a lot to say, and deep down, it feels important.

You get nervous, yes, but your vision and desire to serve make you brave and willing to have a go.

You’ve probably done public speaking courses before, but they didn’t quite hit the mark. You might have felt as though they were trying to shove you into a box of how you should speak. Maybe there were too many rules about where to stand and what not to do with your hands. Maybe they made you doubt yourself even more – and shrink. Perhaps the techniques felt contrived, or just too hard. And you’re tired of hard.

You know you don’t want to speak the way you’ve seen it done by so many other people. All those boring speeches, delivered by droning and rambling speakers, that left you feeling empty, annoyed, and far from inspired.

You suspect there’s a better way, one that puts your wisdom and deep desire to give centre stage – or wherever else you feel like standing.

You want your words to land in your audience’s hearts, and no less.

You want to feel free to be yourself, at your most powerful, and you want to trust that that’s enough.

I see you. You’re ready to become a soulful speaker.

I call it soulful speaking because speakers who have the most impact – for all the right reasons – speak from their heart and soul. Their talks are transformational. People remember their message after their talk is over, and are inspired to take action in their own lives as a result. Whether you do presentations at work (and think that what you talk about isn’t inspiring), or you want to use public speaking to build your business, the key to owning the room and holding an audience in the palm of your hand lies in being a soulful speaker.

You’ve probably figured out that Soulful Speaking is not your average public speaking course.

You won’t be fixed (you’re not broken).

You won’t be told the right way to speak (there isn’t one – thankfully).

You also won’t be allowed to shrink, because that’s not really what you want deep down (what a relief).

You will discover how to speak as an inspiring, wise and powerful woman.

If we’re meeting for the first time, here’s what I want you to know about me and the work I do:

If you feel called to join me and a group of other inspiring women, I’d be honoured to work with you.

Here are the key features of the program:

In this three-day deep dive (it truly is), you will:

On the final day, bringing together everything you’ve learned, you’ll present a talk to the group.

I promise you, you’ll be amazed by the confidence and comfort you’ll feel and exude when you speak.

This is a chance for you to own the room in ways you likely never have before.

These are the sorts of results you can expect…

You can expect to:

Just like these women who’ve worked with me:

Is Soulful Speaking for you?

Soulful Speaking is for women who:

Here’s what women who’ve already worked with me in workshops and retreats say about their experience:

I worked with Tricia because I was working on a project that requires me to deliver a really powerful message to inspire people to make a difference in the world. Tricia is just an extraordinary facilitator and leader who has a capacity to create an experience for people where there’s safety and where people can go deep and cut through the superficial message and really find your inner story. It was really humbling and just a very powerful experience to have other women hear me, see me and then feed back what they’ve received. It’s been really meaningful and so helpful.

Dr Elise Bialylew, Psychiatrist and founder of Mindful in May

When I started working with Tricia I knew what I wanted to say but just had no idea how to structure my speech or where to begin. Tricia helped me put together all the pieces of the puzzle into one flowing talk. I learnt how to speak from a place of ‘realness’. What shifted for me most was knowing I can present in front of an audience without notes, and just go for it and feel confident that what I’m saying will impact people positively. After working with Tricia, nothing is holding me back. There are no limits, and I control where I go from here. I’m confident, self-assured, and at ease with who I am.

Taryn Brumfitt, Author, Speaker & Founder, Body Image Movement

Working with Tricia brought me into such clarity about what I want to say to the world, and the way Tricia does it is so delicate. I didn’t feel under pressure, even though I had to get up and speak at the end and it was quite nerve wracking. It was such a reminder that what I have to say is totally meant to be shared in the world. I really feel more than even just the powerful presenting, I’ve been given the thumbs up to go out there and do my thing.

Cyd Crossman, Artist

I work in the communications field and for some reason I had some sort of blockage about talking to big groups of people, really good at speaking one on one and in smaller groups but in bigger groups I had some sort of blockage. It’s been amazing, it’s been a really safe place to really dig deep into the issues and now I feel a lot more confident when I’m offered speaking opportunities I won’t automatically say no or work out who else might be able to do it. I actually will seize the opportunity and have the courage to do it myself. Just book, book now, if you’ve had issues with public speaking and you’re not quite sure what they are this is the place to work through it in a really safe environment with a lot of other really inspiring women.

Kate Pembroke, Principal, KP Comms

You can read more rave reviews from my clients here, and watch video testimonials here and here.

Why work with a group?

I’m asked this question a lot. Sometimes, women think they’d do better if we work together one-on-one.

Here’s what I want to say about that. Soulful Speaking is designed for a small group because of the depth of learning that takes place. People take greater risks, they’re extremely supportive of one another, and the experiences and different perspectives they each bring help to create a rich and rewarding learning environment. We’re better as a community.

It’s very special to be witnessed – to be seen and heard – when you start to express yourself powerfully.

This simply can’t be created in one-on-one coaching.

It’s also lots of fun, we celebrate and laugh with one another, and friendships and business relationships are born that continue to flourish after the workshop is over.

Your investment and next steps

Registration is now open for Soulful Speaking on March 23 to 25, 2017 – in Adelaide, SA.

It’s happening at The Monastery Function Centre, 15 Cross Rd, Glen Osmond. There’s plenty of free on-site car parking.

The workshop runs from 9am – 5pm each day.

Your investment includes my full presence, tuition, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea.

If you are coming from outside Adelaide, we can help you with easy and convenient accommodation options. Just get in touch and ask.

I want to make it easy for you to say ‘yes’ to yourself, and am offering several investment options:

Early bird investment

If you enrol before the early bird deadline – January 31st 2016 – you can choose between:

Option 1: Full Investment (save $255)

$1895 + GST

Option 2: Easy Payment Plan (save $200)

3 monthly instalments of $650 + GST

With early bird registration, you’ll also receive a complimentary 45 minute one-on-one phone or Skype session with me to be used within one month of completion of the program (before April 26).

After early bird closes

If you enrol after the early bird deadline – February 1st or later – you can choose between:

Option 1: Deposit: $500 + GST

The balance is due two weeks prior to the workshop

Option 2: Full Investment

$2150 + GST

If you know this is for you, please secure your place. I keep the numbers in the group small to create a more intimate learning experience.

If you have any questions at all, please contact me. You’re welcome to call me on 0412 810 305 or email me at tricia[@]triciakarp.com. I will personally respond.

Please note: There are no refunds or cancellations. Once you book your space it’s yours, and it’s your responsibility to pay for the entire program.

If, for some reason, you’re unable to attend, you’re welcome to send someone else in your place, or request to shift to another program if there are spaces available. This request needs to be received before February 23, 2017.

A note on your financial investment

Your investment represents the significant value you’ll receive. You’ll benefit from years of my professional training and hard-won personal experience in finding my own soulful voice, as well as my study and curation of what I and my clients have found to be the best, most helpful resources for speaking powerfully on a public stage.

What’s most important though is that this is an investment in your own commitment to moving through what’s been getting in your way, becoming a more powerful speaker, and making the difference you want to make when you speak. I promise you, this work is transformative. Many of my clients say it’s life-changing.

I guarantee to give you my absolute best. I care deeply about women contributing their most soulful, powerful voice to the world. It’s my honour and privilege to offer this work and serve you in this way.

A personal note from me (another one!)

This is intensive work, not in a pack-as-much-in-and-get-it-done kind of way, more in a connecting-with-your-soul-and-wisdom kind of way.

I recommend you keep your nights free during the workshop. Be gentle and kind on yourself. Nourish yourself with healthy meals, have a warm bath, go to bed early. Allow yourself to dream and watch what shows up.

A lot happens on many levels during this program. It’s not the time to go out partying at night. I suggest you treat Soulful Speaking as a retreat, as much as you can.

Important dates:

Early bird registration closes: February 1st, 2017

Working with Tricia has reminded me about the importance of speaking from my heart, and that’s what engages people, and not to be afraid to do that. Working with Tricia is a really safe, beautiful experience, and she’s a great role model for me to see somebody who is talking to us from her genuine self with her authenticity and her compassion. I found that to be critical as well. Tricia walks that talk.

Nicola Lipscombe, Founder, Powerful Listening

I wanted to develop myself professionally. I wanted to become better at delivering presentations as I was getting to a stage in my career that I needed to be able to persuade an audience. Previously I’ve done a lot of training work that’s not got the persuasion factor in it that I needed. It has been a fantastic experience, it’s given me leadership skills and I now believe in myself as a leader and feel confident to go out there and own it. I feel wonderful, just so excited!

Suzy Heremaia, Consultant

Where to start… Tricia is incredible to work with. My expectations were far surpassed and my confidence greatly improved. I now realise that I have a lot to offer as a speaker and team leader. I’ll be able to own and feel proud of my achievements. I’m not exaggerating when I say that the workshop was life-changing. My confidence in my ability to sell myself to new clients has greatly increase. It was an incredible three days, and I loved the connection with the other amazing women who participated in the workshop.

Dorothy Di Stefano, Director, Image and Substance 

I really didn’t like speaking in public. It was really difficult for me. But something just shifted for me when I did the workshop with Tricia. It’s quite magical, the whole process. I do a lot of talking for my company and this has made it so much easier. It’s improved the way I present myself in meetings. I have more clarity and I get my point across. I still get nervous beforehand but I don’t try to suppress it and feel like I’m going to pass out (like I used to). I know how to use that energy now, I’m actually able to do it and know I’m not going to die! I also tell my story and do my talks in a completely different way. The last one I did was in front of 60 strangers and I’d never been able to do that before. From that presentation I got a board position. That wouldn’t have been possible for me before. Working with Tricia was life-changing.

Chantale Millard, CFO

You can read more rave reviews from my clients here, and watch video testimonials here and here.

Early bird investment

If you enrol before the early bird deadline – December 1st 2016 – you can choose between:

Option 1: Full Investment (save $255)

$1895 + GST

Option 2: Easy Payment Plan (save $200)

3 monthly instalments of $650 + GST

With early bird registration, you’ll also receive a complimentary 45 minute one-on-one phone or Skype session with me to be used within one month of completion of the program (before April 26).