Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Walking this earth as women, somewhere along the way we’ve forgotten what it means to be powerful.

We’ve been taught to strive. Our lives are busy. We feel like we never have enough time. We’re stressed. We’re worn out.

Deep down, so many of us are sensing there has to be more. More meaning, more fulfilment, more purpose, perhaps even a mission that brings the kind of awakening the world needs.

The kind of awakening that’s divinely feminine and serves love.

The kind of awakening that sees us taking our space in the world without apology for who we are.

The kind of awakening that has us own our power and live our truth.

This kind of awakening comes with walking the path of the priestess.

It’s time to remember what it means to be powerful as you reclaim your feminine wisdom.

You’re invited to Enter the Temple…


What you’ll Receive

Our feminine power rises when we’re surrounded by a community of women who are kind and supportive, who don’t criticise or compete with us, but praise and love us.

Our feminine power rises when we indulge in pleasure, connecting with the beauty of nature and our bodies, dancing, celebrating, and sharing delicious food.

Our feminine power rises when we get out of our heads, and into our bodies and hearts.

So that’s we’ll do together at the Reclaimed & Radiant retreat, plus you’ll:

And so much more…

A note on Tantra:

Tantra is often misunderstood and tends to conjure a lot of fear for people, mostly with concerns about taking part in unsafe or uncomfortable sexual practices or situations.

I want you to know that some of the practices we’ll do in this retreat use sexual energy to help us open our hearts and reach higher states of love. Our sexual energy is simply our creative life force energy. You don’t have to have sex to access it, or even use it sexually. Knowing how to work with this energy has many health benefits for our vitality and radiance. That’s what we’ll work on in the retreat. I guarantee you there’ll be no sexual activity or nudity.

Your Guide for this Special Remembering

I’ve had many titles over the years, including award-winning TV and radio journalist and presenter, business owner, best-selling author, executive coach, astrologer, corporate trainer, mother and fierce advocate for women’s power. I’m also a Tao Tantric Arts (sacred femininity) teacher and priestess.

Beyond titles, what matters most to me is redeeming the glory of the Feminine in a world that mostly doesn’t even know what that means.

I stand for our pain, silence, rage, body hatred, shame and disconnection… and our beauty, vulnerability, authenticity, sensuality and pleasure as the path back to our power.

I’ve worked with hundreds of women around the world, and presented to hundreds more. I’ve run sold-out workshops and retreats, and published two books, including an Amazon international number one best-seller. I’ve also lived a lot of life. I’m a one-woman show and a full-time single mum. I’ve navigated divorce, bouts of severe fatigue, doses of depression and anxiety, and the kind of crippling grief that made me question how the rest of the world could function normally around me. Each time I’ve risen from the ashes, fuelled by self-trust and a belief in my worth and who I’m here to be in this world.

I’m known for helping women to step into and own their power, and creating spaces filled with safety, support and so much love, where every woman can come to the majesty of her own truth and magnificence.

Reclaimed & Radiant is the result of my vision and deep desire to restore the beauty, power and pleasure of the Feminine to our world.

“I think that Tricia is an extraordinary facilitator and leader who has a capacity to create an experience for people where there’s safety and where people can go deep. Being on retreat has provided a space for things to bubble up and that’s been a really important part of it. Being with other women is a real opportunity to see that we’re all the same and doing the work together makes it easier to step forward because you’re really supported and that’s a beautiful thing.

~ Dr Elise Bialylew, Founder, Mindful in May

“The retreat was magnificent, so spiritual, so divine, and the people, the connections, the synchronicity – everything! It’s unbelievable really, I’ve never experienced anything quite like that. It has been life-changing, it was inspiring, and I let my light shine.

~ Susan Ashby, From Here to There

“This has been an amazing opportunity. The connections are so deep and so profound and the group of women who have been here are wonderful. I wouldn’t have been anywhere else, it’s just been a beautiful experience. I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.

~ Jo Tregear, Executive coach

“It was amazing! A really safe space to dig deep. It was a very nourishing experience on a mental, spiritual and physical level. The bushwalking, the food, beautiful bed, surroundings, it all amazing. And it was so nice to be able to retreat every night as well and have that block of time away from my usual life.

~ Kate Pembroke, Communications Consultant

* Please note: These testimonials are from women who attended a different retreat, and other clients who’ve worked with me

Who is this Retreat For?

Reclaimed & Radiant is for every woman who wants more.

More love in her relationship with herself and others, and her life. More joy, more inner peace. More self-acceptance of her being and her body. More pleasure, more beauty. More sensuality. More power and freedom. More genuinely supportive community.

It’s also for every woman who doesn’t want to live in the past anymore, bound to old stories of contraction, silence, or smallness.

It’s for every woman who wants to choose connection and aliveness instead of numbness. Self-love instead of trying to fill the empty spaces with what doesn’t serve her.

It’s for every woman who wants to have so much more energy, and feel more radiant.

Our Schedule

We meet for the first time in our Temple at 4.30pm on May 5th. On the final day we’ll finish by noon.

Our days will look like this:

8 – 8.30am  Morning meditation or Qigong

10am – 12.30pm  Temple dance, rituals, processes and practices, circles

12.30 – 4pm  Lunch and time for yourself to relax by the pool, have a spa treatment, or go into town

4 – 6.30pm  Temple practices or excursions

6.30 – 7.30pm  Dinner

7.30pm  On certain days we’ll have special evening ceremonies, finishing by 9pm

Where we’ll Stay

We’ll spend 7 nights at Naya, a boutique retreat centre in Ubud, Bali.

Ubud is the spiritual, cultural and artistic centre of Bali.

Nestled in plush tropical gardens and surrounded by rice fields, Naya’s intention is to offer a place for souls to gather and reconnect with their potentials, wisdom and gifts.

Recognised and featured as a luxury retreat destination, Naya offers privacy, stillness, so much beauty, and nourishing meals to support us as we begin to walk the path of the priestess in our private temple.

Naya is a seven-minute drive from the centre of Ubud, so you’ll have easy access to Bali’s cultural epicentre, with world-class restaurants, temples, galleries, spas and shopping.

What’s Included

Airport transfers are not included, but we can help you organise the easiest, cheapest and best option.

Once you’ve registered and paid your deposit we’ll send you a welcome pack with information about airport transfers, check-in times for Naya, extra accommodation before or after the retreat, what to bring, and what’s useful to know in Bali.

Secure your Place Now


Your investment for Reclaimed & Radiant includes your retreat fee, accommodation, all meals, and all activities.

Please note that all pricing is in US dollars.

These are your options:

Single room: US $2625  1 SPACE LEFT 

Twin share: US $2350  1 SPACE LEFT (this room is enormous, so you’ll have plenty of space!)

Triple share: US $2240  SOLD OUT

You have two payment options to secure your place:

Option 1

Pay in full, up front

Option 2

Pay a US $550 non-refundable deposit to secure your place. Then you can pay in instalments, 30 days apart, as long as the full payment is received by April 26th, 2019

To secure your place, please click here to fill out this form with your accommodation and payment preferences

Once we receive it you’ll be sent an invoice and payment details. Your place is secured once we’ve received your deposit.

Cancellation Policy

There are strictly no refunds. We are financially responsible for the retreat, so we ask you to please respect that we can’t make any exceptions to this agreement.

If you have any questions, you’re welcome to call me on 0412 810 305.

Working with Tricia is an experience like nothing I’ve done before. It wasn’t about professional development and it wasn’t about doing things a certain way. The success for each woman is based around the individual, that each person already has the power if they can access it. Tricia is an insightful, genuine and gifted facilitator and guide, supporting each person to access their own inner strength. Being among other women who are going through the same process brings out warmth, truth and comfort. It was amazing and not something I’ll forget. Working with Tricia enabled a real shift for me personally and for my family, and this has in turn created a ripple effect for other areas of my life.

~ Claire Nicholas, Communications Manager

I worked with Tricia when I was really looking for something. I felt lost emotionally and spiritually due to many changes in my life. I wasn’t sure if the program was the thing that would help but I have complete faith and confidence in Tricia’s work so even though some of it was uncomfortable for me and took weeks to work through it was right for me. Tricia creates an environment that is safe and sacred, with colourful patches for fun and laughter. Her knowledge is deep and coming from her own experience and that’s a real advantage in discussions. There’s been a big shift for me in my boundaries and expectations, I’ve moved on from trauma and got my confidence back, I’m focusing on doing things that are more nurturing for me. So many facets of my life have been impacted. I’ve also learnt skills that I can easily apply anywhere any time and that is so valuable.

~ Janette Gogler, Chief Nursing Information Officer

I decided to invest in a second program with Tricia after doing one of her powerful speaking workshops. I felt like I’d scratched the surface of something really important for me and I wanted to go deeper. By the end of the program I’d not only made new commitments to myself but I was living them. It’s not okay for me now to doubt myself, be silent, play small or dismiss my joy. Getting to know my inner wise woman has been a constant reassurance in my life. I’m indulging a personal focus on myself and honouring myself in that. I loved the connection from working with a respectful group of women. Tricia’s programs have been two of the best investments I’ve made in myself.

~ Peta Dougherty, Business Owner