Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Fact 1: The people I work with care deeply and want to make a difference, using their gifts and talents in their own unique way.

Fact 2: The people I work with are sensitive souls, highly intuitive, and well aware of what’s going on around them and where things are at.

Fact 3: The people I work with are committed to their professional and personal development, and want to be their best.

Fact 4: The people I work with have the heart of a lion, and are willing to step up and be courageous no matter how scary that seems.

Some more facts:

  1. The most powerful speakers care deeply and want to make a difference.
  1. The most powerful speakers know themselves exceptionally well.
  1. The most powerful speakers intuitively know how to read a room and own it.
  1. The most powerful speakers put themselves out there without a single clue of what they’re in for. Until they’re in the room, and regardless of how much information they’ve been given, they don’t really know the flavour of audience they’re dealing with.

Are you seeing the correlation?

Wait, there’s more. And it’s a biggie:

Fact 9: Those who have the capacity to be the most powerful are usually the ones who hide more than everyone else, shove down their power, hold themselves back, and have bought into stories that playing small is good and right (it’s not).

To shift from not enough to owning it, you have to flip outdated concepts of power on their head.

Caring deeply and wanting to make a difference is powerful. The world needs more people who can lead with their values and integrity.

Being sensitive and intuitive is powerful. The world needs more people who can genuinely connect, show empathy, and speak directly to our hearts.

Knowing yourself, and being willing to stand up in all your imperfect glory, is so, so powerful. Authenticity rules.

I’m talking about a particular internal power. It stems from your inner life, where you’re 100% your real self, and the ability to own that in a way that allows you to speak and behave outwardly without feeling like an imposter.

You can’t look to the world to restore your worth. It doesn’t – and won’t, and can’t – come from anything outside you.

You’re here to restore your worth to the world.

Then, please, tell the rest of us all about it. We need your wisdom and stories.


Soon, I’ll be launching a program to guide you to the essence of your true power. You’ll discover and speak your truth. And the world will be different after, in ways that are very, very good.

Make sure you pop your details in the box below to subscribe, so you’re the first to hear when the doors to The Story Temple are open.



Photo credit: The Frozen Lake, Summer Palace, Beijing, China via photopin (license)