Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

When was the last time you felt in love with your body?

When was the last time you felt sensual and sexy, and comfortable to express it, without embarrassment or shame?

When was the last time your heart was full of love for yourself?

When was the last time you felt radiant?

And, when was the last time you truly honoured yourself – for your heart, your beauty, and the truth of who you are?

Can you remember?

It’s time…

So many of us have forgotten what it means to be powerful women living from our feminine essence.

We’ve been taught to strive. Our lives are busy. We feel like we never have enough time. We’re stressed. We’re worn out.

We carry shame about our bodies and desires.

We apologise for ourselves.

We don’t honour ourselves, and that makes it difficult for us to receive the honouring we crave from others.

Deep down we know, if we’re really honest, there has to be more.

More love for ourselves.

More freedom in our bodies and our sensual and sexual expression.

More radiance.

And a whole lot more pleasure.

Guess what? There is!

We carry so much magic as women.

We are the healers, the leaders, the way showers, for making the world the kind of place we know it can and we want it to be for our children, other women and men.

When we let go of stories and conditioning about who we are and who we’re not, especially when it comes to our bodies, sensuality and pleasure, we discover a whole new level of aliveness.

We meet ourselves in our sacred femininity, which is so magnetic that we impact others lovingly just by our presence.

When we start to honour ourselves this way, others honour us  – the world honours us – in new ways too.

Why work with me?

I’m a teacher, coach, retreat leader, writer, mother and lover.

A woman guiding a transformational retreat in which I once participated many years ago made me say out loud to the group that I’d do anything for love.

I’ve never forgotten those words.

In some ways they could be interpreted as neediness, almost a desperation to be loved.

In other ways they mean that my devotion is to love. I would do anything for love. And I do.

Love has led me down all sorts paths, many painful and always illuminating, culminating in and fuelling my work as a Tao Tantric Arts teacher.

I’ve had many titles over the years, including award-winning prime time TV and radio journalist and presenter, business owner, best-selling author, executive coach, astrologer, corporate trainer, mother and fierce advocate for women’s power.

I’ve worked with hundreds of people around the world, and presented to hundreds more. I’ve run sold-out workshops and retreats in Australia and Bali, and published two books, including an Amazon international number one best-seller.

People who know me say I’ve lived a lot of life.

I’m a one-woman show and a full-time solo mum. I’ve navigated divorce, toxic relationships, a kundalini awakening, online dating in the name of research (Tinder!), bouts of severe fatigue, doses of depression and anxiety, and the kind of crippling grief that made me question how the rest of the world could function normally around me.

I stand for our pain, silence, rage and disconnection… and our beauty, vulnerability, authenticity, sensuality, truth and pleasure as the path back to our power.

What matters most to me is redeeming our true power, innocence and aliveness in a world that mostly doesn’t even know what that means.

I want you – all of us – to know our sacred essence and love others in theirs.

It will make the world better for everyone. I know this deep in my heart, soul and bones.

As a busy entrepreneur I lose touch with my femininity and like so many I struggle with self love. After working with Tricia I felt grounded, beautiful, feminine and light.  She knows how to create a safe space and truly honour the goddess you are.

~ Tammie Brooks, Canada

I’ve returned to my feminine sensual body working with Tricia. Each moment of our  pleasurable time together Tricia made me feel loved, alive and grounded. It was an experience for which I didn’t know what to expect so I was initially nervous. But Tricia created a space where my body felt perfect as it is. Through her graceful and sage guidance, I was reminded that my body deserves to be honoured and revered. Through this beautiful and profound ritual she’s opened up a new world within which I’m curious to explore.

~ Michelle Lachman, USA

Since working with Tricia I have a brightness which others have noticed too! I feel alive, happier within myself, strong in my sensual & feminine energy. I feel radiant & glowing!  

~ M. F, Australia

Let’s do this…

Honoured is a 1 day workshop for women who could do with a big, hearty dose of honouring.

Quite simply, surrounded by a community of kind, supportive women, you’ll be seen and well and truly honoured in your sacred feminine essence, beauty and humanity.

Here’s what we’ll do together:

A note on Tantra:

Tantra is often misunderstood and tends to conjure a lot of fear for people, mostly with concerns about taking part in unsafe or uncomfortable sexual practices or situations.

I want you to know that some of the practices we’ll do use sexual energy to help us open our hearts and reach higher states of love. Our sexual energy is simply our creative life force energy. You don’t have to have sex to access it, or even use it sexually. Knowing how to work with this energy has many health benefits for our vitality and radiance, as well as improving love making. I guarantee you there’s no sexual activity or nudity in this workshop.

You’ll leave the workshop with:

Tricia is a smart, courageous, beautiful, highly spiritual yet very grounded woman of wisdom. Working with her is like mixing intense coaching and therapy with the beautiful dance of laughter and reconnection with oneself. Her very presence made me feel at home. Her sense of humour made me laugh at my conditioning and forced self-beliefs. Meeting her brought inspiration, lightness and helped me see my feminine essence and its depth. Very inspiring. Working with her definitely far exceeded my expectations.

Katarzyna Udgita Majak, Poland

Tricia has an innate talent to teach and hold space, so we may connect to our hearts, emotions, divine feminine and inner wisdom.  I am always inspired and deeply touched in Tricia’s presence, and the amazing women she attracts, as she generously shares her soul’s work in the world. Tricia’s work honours the power and magic of women everywhere to change the world!

Kate Woodland, Australia

Secure Your Place Now

Honoured is happening on Saturday July 20th, from 9.30am – 5pm.

You’re welcome to arrive any time from 9am to have a cuppa and settle in. Please arrive early as we’ll start promptly at 9.30am.

The address is:

Inspire Yoga Sanctuary – nestled in the grounds of the Hahndorf BnB

27 Auricht Road, Hahndorf

Please bring:

Snacks and tea will be provided.

Please wear clothing that’s comfortable and you can easily move in.

Please note: This is the only workshop I have planned for Adelaide in 2019.

If you’ve been considering attending one of my retreats in Bali, this workshop will give you a powerful taste of my work as a Tao Tantra teacher.

If you have any questions, you’re welcome to get in touch with me.

Your Investment

Early bird registration is now open until Friday June 28th (save $50). There are limited spaces available. I keep my workshop groups small so I can create an intimate space and provide personal attention.

Your investment is $250 + GST

To secure your place, please email triciakarp (@) gmail.com and you’ll be sent an invoice. Your place is confirmed upon receipt of your payment.

Once you’ve secured your place, your payment is non-refundable.

If you have any questions at all, please get in touch.

Let’s address your resistance

I’m just going to say it: I’m yet to meet a woman who’s mastered the art of honouring herself (including me).

We know we’re worth more than the crumbs after everyone else has had their cake because we’ve been told that often enough and these days we grab our own slice. We know we’ve achieved a few things in the world that have been worthy of an honourable mention, and maybe we’ve been able to congratulate ourselves for it too. We know we’re capable and independent and successful and responsible and how well we can hold it all together when we have to, and when someone tells us that perhaps we can take a moment to own it.

Honouring is different though. Honouring is about being seen in – and seeing – your true essence. Honouring is about loving yourself as you want to be loved, every single part of you.

I wasn’t taught how to do this (I bet you weren’t either) until I became a Tao Tantra (sacred femininity) teacher.

If, while you were reading this page so far, you felt any resistance at all about honouring yourself – your heart, your beauty, your sensuality and your body – I suggest this workshop might be exactly what you need.

This is an investment in who you really are, in your essence. You will meet yourself there, in all your glory, and you will be, and feel, honoured – likely in ways you’ve never experienced.

It can be confronting, there’s no doubt. For me, it’s been so worth it, as I navigate new ways of being in my feminine power that are more authentic and so much more nourishing – and satisfying.

If you feel to join us at this special workshop, I’d be honoured to honour you.

I’ve worked with Tricia a number of times and she pushes you out of your comfort zone there is no doubt but it’s through that things are released and that you continue to grow as a person. We experienced so much together during the retreat, tears and laughter and love and connection and release, letting go of stuff that no longer serves us, and all of us have come away from it feeling more feminine, softer of heart, more connected to our feminine energy and that of other women, and a real sense of joy and love for each other, the people that we already loved and for the world generally.

~ Carolyn Parrella, Australia

Tricia is such a bright, beautiful soul. She holds a deep power, feminine grace and wisdom in her heart and womb. Working with her was a truly special experience – I felt wholly seen, held and loved in her presence.

~ Tiffany Luptak, USA