Big fat confession: for the past two weeks I haven’t felt very motivated.
That’s unusual for me. And what’s even more unusual is that I let myself be that way, instead of trying to force myself to be different, get on with it, get over myself, and make something happen quick smart!
I did the bare minimum of work (couldn’t be bothered unless I had clients I had to front up for). I didn’t exercise (too cold and wet). I didn’t eat well ate crap (2 birthdays in one week didn’t help). I fell into a pit of I don’t care. That’s a very uncomfortable dastardly place for me (and my nine year-old daughter, believe me). This time, though, I decided to just be there and see how uncomfortable I could get and what it would take to get inspired again. I wanted to see if it could somehow happen organically this time, and what difference that might make in how I work and approach my life.
I truly wondered whether I would find my inspiration (and proceeded to ask myself Who am I to talk about being inspired and inspiring? Who am I to run a workshop on how to be an inspiring leader? Cue the old story about being a fraud…).
I’m super relieved to report that I’ve recovered my inspiration. I was extremely worried I wouldn’t – and couldn’t.
It didn’t come from staring at my computer screen for a few hours wondering what on earth I’d write about in a blog post this week (because I haven’t written one for two weeks and I should!). I want to share with you how it did happen in the hope that you’ll find it useful. Because if you’re not inspired and inspiring, you’re not leading. Not really.
My breakthrough arrived in the form of an answer in a questionnaire that landed in my inbox from a participant in my upcoming Inspire Code workshop. It was a simple answer to this question: What are the barriers you currently face as a leader?
The answer: Self-confidence
It was those words – self-confidence – that, almost magically, put me back on my path and back into action. Why? Because I care about helping leaders to be inspiring, people being inspired by their leaders, and each and every one of us being our best and making a difference. That matters to me. Deeply. It’s my why. And when I’m connected with it, I’m inspired. It really is that simple.
And that answer about self-confidence? It reminded me of what it takes to stand out the front, speak from my heart, and care about doing what it takes to make a difference more than the possibility of making a fool of myself in the process. It reminded me that, to be a leader, I have to keep working on myself so I can understand and own the unique ways I was born to lead, rather than buying into the should and shouldn’ts. It means I have to keep putting myself out there even when life doesn’t play the game on my terms and doesn’t look like I want it to look. Especially then.
So often people tell me they want to make a difference. They see something that needs changing, and they’re touched so deeply, at times, it makes them speak passionately and even shed a tear or two. But they don’t do anything about it, even though they could. They’re the actual frauds.
It’s selfish and indulgent, I reminded myself, to wallow in a lack of inspiration when I have the genuine desire and know-how to help make a difference for those who choose to be the kind of leaders the world needs right now.
My why and inspiration are back in tact. They fuel my fire. I’m more balanced too – and creative. I’m making good things happen! I’m excited. I’m exercising and eating well and meditating and doing all the other stuff I need to do to be my best. And it feels easy (forget diets: when you’re connected and inspired by fulfilling your why, you don’t need them. Your why will keep you honest and truly satisfied).
A few questions for you if your inspiration is lacking:
What’s the health of your why? Give it a check-up (hint: it’s not about making money, although that can certainly be a consequence of fulfilling it)
What does it take for you to reconnect with your purpose?
What inspires you so that you become more inspiring for others?
As Albert Einstein said: “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.”
Connect with your why and you’ll be an inspired and far more inspiring leader.
PS Come to the The Inspire Code: a workshop program to help you discover and own the ways YOU were born to powerfully inspire and lead (regardless of your job title). Expect more confidence, new sources of inspiration for your life and work, greater presence and resilience… and so much more ease. And, much less holding back.
Join me. All the details are right here.
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