Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

Athena: Powerful Speaking to Grow your Impact and Business

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Athena is three months of UNLIMITED 1:1 coaching and consulting for any woman who knows she has a calling, and is ready to spread her message far and wide by speaking powerfully to grow her impact and business.

Standing at the front of the room and speaking to an audience puts you in a rare position.

Your audience members expect you to lead them. Their eyes, ears and full attention are on you, and they want you to inspire and move them. They even want – and need – you to tell them what to do, so that your message spreads beyond the room and makes more of the difference you want to make. That’s how powerful you are as a speaker.

To embody that power isn’t as simple though as writing a talk, creating a few PowerPoint slides, and practising at home a few times before you stand up to speak to your audience, and hoping for the best.

There are no hacks for owning and standing in your particular brand of power, and motivating your audiences to take the action you know deep in your bones will make a positive difference in this world, and grow your mission and your business.

Instead… there is deep diving to name and own your medicine, gifts, talents, message and authentic stories that only you can share with the world. Your message then becomes the foundation of every talk you ever give, and your business too.

There is partnering to develop the signature talk you were born to deliver, one that connects with your audiences by opening their minds and touching their hearts, and sells for you and attracts new clients (without the need to be pushy or salesy).

There are practices to manage your nerves and energy and unlock genuine confidence.

There is skilful speaking with structure and spontaneity so that you can easily create your talk, ditch your script, and be wholly present and connected with your audience.

There is partnering to help you enter your power zone, where you fully embody your power as a speaker and can hold your audience in the palm of your hand.

There are targeted scripts to share via audio and video, your speaker profile, media kits, and other well-crafted marketing materials to promote yourself as a speaker and reach the audiences who want and need what you’re offering.

There is skilful strategy to land speaking engagements or create your own opportunities with your potential new clients sitting in your audiences so that you can grow your business.

There is partnering to create a new story that inspires and motivates your audiences and sees us all experiencing more of the world we want to live in.

That’s what we’ll create and do together in Athena.

This program is named Athena after the Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom. She was also associated with peace and handicrafts. She emanated power and authority, and all Greek heroes asked Athena for help and advice. She was known as the “One who fights in front.”

Women who speak powerfully are warriors. We stand up and fight in front for what will make a positive difference in our world and we contribute to creating more peace. We draw on our wisdom, creativity, unique ideas and medicine. We are strategic about what we say, how we say it, to whom and when we say it. We fight to win in the name of what truly matters.

The archetype of Athena serves us to step into new levels of our power, wisely share our message, and strategically do what it takes to ensure we’re heard by the audiences who most need to hear us – and grow our businesses so that we thrive in the process.



Why I could be the right person to guide you

I started and built my business by speaking. In my first year I did 50 speaking engagements. From 95% of those engagements I gained new clients, connections and leads. In that first 12 months I also achieved my goal of making six figures in my business.

Let’s talk money. Because the purpose of Athena is to support you to make more of the difference you’re here to make AND grow your revenue through powerful speaking. A few examples of how speaking made me money in the first year (and then for years after) of my business:

  1. After one speaking engagement (that I did without charging a cent) a woman who was in the audience contacted me to say that the organisation her husband worked for needed someone to do presentation skills and media training. I secured a contract worth $20,000
  2. I spoke at several women’s networking groups (again without charging a cent) and ended up with business worth $50,000 in one year. My clients included executives who booked private coaching with me, organisations, and individual women who invested to come to my public workshops
  3. I ran two workshops for a State Government client and the CEO hired me to set up her speaking marketing and promotions strategy to help her secure speaking engagements. In total I received $23,000

Powerful speaking works for business building. As importantly, it allows you to reach more people and make a more effective difference on a larger scale. The beauty of speaking is that you’re connecting with more than one person at a time. Whether there are 10 people in the room or 500, your message and mission are infinitely amplified and multiplied.

As a former prime time TV and radio journalist and senior corporate communications consultant, and 13 years running my own business, I know what it takes to get your message heard. I know exactly what’s required to ensure your audiences take action. My media career set me up exceptionally well to help you express yourself with authority, be a captivating storyteller, and make an impact.

I combine my powerful speaking prowess with a raft of tools to help you unlock the message and medicine that are yours to share, as well as transform the internal road blocks that have held you back, so that you can own and stand in your power and speak to attract new clients.

My unique calling is seeing yours and and helping you share it with the world through powerful speaking, so that you can make the impact and difference you’re here to make – and thrive in your business.

When I decided to work with Tricia, I knew what I wanted to say but just had no idea how to structure my speech or where to begin. Tricia helped me put together all the pieces of the puzzle into one flowing talk. I learnt how to speak from a place of ‘realness’. What shifted for me most was knowing I can now present in front of an audience without notes, and just go for it and feel confident that what I’m saying will impact people positively. Tricia also helped me create a strategy for securing speaking engagements, and coached me to prepare for my first interview on TV. After working with Tricia, nothing is holding me back. There are no limits. Speaking publicly about Body Image Movement has taken on a new dimension.

Taryn Brumfitt, Author, Speaker, Filmmaker, SA 2023 Australian of the Year

I was invited to speak as a global expert on an international stage, and I knew there was something holding me back from how I wanted to project myself and therefore be seen, and I needed input from a professional to unlock this and give me some tough love. Working with Tricia gave me the skills and resources to tap into my blockages and release myself from them. She provided a safe and nurturing environment to overcome them. Now I can call on the tools I’ve been shown to deal with my issues and “stuff” which will invariably come up. And I have the confidence that I know how to handle myself in these situations. Working with Tricia was liberating, inspiring and energising. Best of all, I nailed my talk and had people queuing up to listen to me, and I received rave reviews in publications around the world, as well as invitations for more speaking opportunities.

Bec Brideson, Director, Venus Comms & Speaker

This year has been one of the best for me personally and professionally, and Tricia has been a big part of this success. I started working with Tricia when all I thought I needed was some help with my confidence around presenting my research on international stages, but her guidance has stretched far beyond that. As a result of her intuition and guidance I have managed to completely change my career around and forge my own path. This time last year I would have never expected to be in the place I am today. Sure, I know I am the one with the research knowledge and I do give myself credit, but Tricia unlocked my potential by managing to rebuild my confidence after a long spell in a less than supportive work environment. She challenged me to write my own future. I feel blessed to have had her pop into my life at the right time – I couldn’t recommend her highly enough to anyone needing guidance as a speaker and in their life.

Dr Karen Nelson-Field, Founder Amplified Intelligence, Author, Telstra Business Women’s Award Winner

I heard Tricia speak and her presence and story intrigued me. Tricia has a heart connection with women when she speaks so she seemed the ideal coach to work with. The main outcome of our initial call was her allowing me to be vulnerable and confirm that the story I didn’t want to tell was to become my signature story in my signature talk. I then worked with Tricia for a whole day, the outcome being my signature talk written and my confidence to believe that I could tell my story confidently. Her professionalism, integrity and experience shone through all day. Tricia has empowered me to show up and just be me. Since working together I’ve done a TEDx talk and bookings for other speaking engagements are coming in. Thanks Tricia!

Annie Harvey, Coach & Keynote Speaker


What we’ll work on together in Athena

Put simply, we’ll work on cultivating your power and positioning you as a speaker in ways that will grow your impact and business.

How that looks for you might be different from how it looks for my other clients, so Athena is tailored exactly for you, your message, and your business. That means there might be more emphasis in one area, and potentially none at all in another. Together we’ll work out what you need.

Here’s what you can expect when we work together, depending on what best suits you and your business:


Getting crystal clear about your message

Your message isn’t a matter of choosing something that sounds good. It’s who you are, and the innate, unmistakable wisdom that you carry.

It’s founded on your purpose, your life script, the themes and patterns of your life, and the unique medicine you hold for the world. It’s no accident that you founded the movement or business you have, nor that you’re a leader.

Using Shamanic astrology, Human Design, numerology and my deep intuitive skills to define your purpose, we’ll mine the story of your life to distill your message.

When you discover your message and share it you’ll automatically step into new levels of power and owning it. Your message will magnetise your right clients to want to work with you.

Crafting your signature talk

There’s a right way to do this – and so many wrong ways.

Your signature talk is the talk you were born to give. It needs to be masterfully structured to open minds, win hearts, and build trust with your audiences. The stories contained within it, carefully selected for maximum impact and to move people, need to be crafted in a way that authentically connect you with your audiences and your potential clients who’ll benefit from the medicine you offer.

Your talk also needs to be designed in a way that sells for you, without you feeling like you have to try to sell, or be “salesy” or pushy.

Your signature talk is infused with your gifts, talents, experiences and wisdom, and you’ll deliver it again and again, with only slight changes as necessary, and become known for it. It will sound exactly like you. It will win you business. That’s how powerful it is.

Your signature talk is what I call an accordion-style talk. You’ll easily be able to make it shorter or longer, as required.

There’s no need to keep writing new talks depending on which event you’re speaking at, and there’s no need to spend hours writing a talk word for word. I’ll show you how to do less and be more when it comes to public speaking. Using my POWER talk structure, together we’ll create your signature talk.

Managing your nerves and energy

There’s no “faking it until you make it” as a powerful speaker.

Nervousness is normal, and there’s a level of intensity that’s necessary for you to operate at your most powerful on stage. The secret is being able to welcome and embody it and express it as pure, magnetic power.

We’ll work on managing nerves, stress and anxiety so that you can discover genuine confidence and excitement about speaking, and well and truly own the room.

The path to power as a speaker and then expanding your visibility and reach can activate your deepest insecurities, fears and shame. This is when old stories about who you are and aren’t, including not being good enough, being worthless, or fearing what people will think or say about you, get activated. Fear, shame and your inner critic often raise their voices at this stage. We’ll work with all of it so that those voices move to the back, where they belong, and your true power comfortably and confidently stands up at the front.

You’ll learn how to relax and step into deeper levels of your power, and as you do, you’ll be ready to encounter the magic and wonder of holding an audience in the palm of your hand.

Becoming a compelling speaker

There’s a part of you that innately knows how to speak with presence, clarity, ease and power.

You already have so many strengths as a speaker, although you might not know what that they are just yet. Together we’ll cultivate them so that you can connect deeply with your audiences.

It’s worth noting too that once you’ve discovered the message that’s uniquely yours to share, and the stories that do it the most justice, something profound happens. The inspiring, dynamic and captivating speaker inside you wakes up. Your natural capacity to engage, educate, motivate and persuade your audience is magnified. Your voice is enlivened and richer. Your body language is aligned and hits the mark. Your reach is extended. You start to attract the audiences who most need to hear your message. Your ability to make a difference is amplified.

You’ll learn how to hook your audiences from your very first word, ditch the script (yes, really!), and not waste time practising your talk for hours on end, so that you can be fully present and engaged with your audiences, and sound like the leader you truly are.

And then, every time you speak in the future, you’ll infuse all your speaking with this freshly understood power, whether you’re on stage presenting to a large audience, or speaking in the boardroom, in an interview, facilitating, pitching for business, talking in a meeting, or even standing up at a networking event.

If you’re already speaking to audiences, our work together will take your impact and power to the next level.

Creating your speaking strategy

You need a rock solid strategy that’s aligned with your business goals and will put you in front of the audiences who want what you have to say and do, and contain your potential clients.

This is the time to get crystal clear about what you want as a powerful speaker and what sort of speaking opportunities are likely to light you up and best serve you, your audiences and your business.

We’ll address whether to offer speaking for free or to charge, and if so, how much. We’ll look at the different types of speaking opportunities and identify how well they align – or not – with your vision and business growth, and define what will likely work best.

Not just any speaking opportunity will do, and the right ones may not necessarily pay you to speak but will attract new clients. We’ll get tactical and get to work on identifying what the right types of speaking engagements are for you and your business, and how to best connect you with them. We’ll create a game plan and arm you with the necessary tools to start securing speaking engagements.

If you want to create your own speaking events or present workshops we can work on that too, from nailing the focus and creating the content all the way to marketing, managing the event and securing bookings.

Marketing yourself as a speaker

We’ll identify the best ways to market yourself as a powerful speaker, depending on your business, target audiences, and how you do your best work. The focus will be on how to position yourself as a “go to” authority and have your message and wisdom heard.

Once we’ve come up with a marketing plan, we’ll get to work on creating your collateral. That might include video scripts and production, invitations, letters, pitch emails, your speaker profile, media releases or a media kit – all based on your message and unique medicine for the world.

The best part? We collaborate. If you want help with your writing I’ll help you.

If you’d like to use your signature talk to create workshops or retreats, we can do that. If you’d like to write a book, we can work together to create your book outline and I can mentor you through the writing process too if that’s what you want. A book helps you create a new level of authority and is the perfect companion to your talk and a powerful part of your brand.

As the author of three books, including two Amazon number one bestsellers, I can also advise you on how to use your book to attract speaking opportunities and gain new clients.

At the end of our work together you’ll:

  • Embody your medicine and message and the way you deliver it so that you can attract more of your right clients
  • Have the signature talk you were born to deliver that will help you make a bigger difference in the world and grow your revenue
  • Calmly and confidently speak in ways that have you owning the room and holding an audience in the palm of your hand
  • Have everything you need to market yourself as a powerful speaker and secure speaking engagements and create your own opportunities
  • Stand in your power as a speaker and be ready to be seen and heard by more audiences in more places so that you grow your business through speaking powerfully


Everything you’re getting in Athena

Athena includes everything I’ve learned and experienced as a professional communicator for the past 30+ years, including in building my own speaking business. This is our format for working together:

UNLIMITED 1:1 sessions across 90 days. We all do our best work in different ways and I want Athena to work for you. Instead of offering a set number of sessions, I’ve decided to make myself available for when you need me (within my business hours). I’m here to serve you and your mission.

Having said that, structure is important. Our first session will be dedicated to setting up a schedule to ensure we cover what you most want and need. Our work together can be made up of a combination of coaching sessions via Zoom, strategic advice, marketing planning, and writing together. I’ll give you links to my calendar so you can schedule your sessions. When you need extra support you’ll be able to book in more time with me.

I don’t stipulate the amount of time for each session – you do. You can book a 30, 45, 60 or 90 minute session so you always get the right amount of time for what you want to focus on. You might like one session each week or two in certain weeks, or a longer session fortnightly, or some other combination. It’s your call – you decide what suits you best. If you’re not sure, we’ll work it out together.

These sessions are designed to keep you moving forward, on track, and accountable. It’s not easy to go it alone, especially when we’re saying yes to growing our capacity and visibility in leaps and bounds. I’ll give you everything you need to boldly strengthen your voice, power and results.

Voice message support between sessions via WhatsApp. I want to make sure you’re held every step of the way in our work together. The means I want to ensure you feel safe, well-resourced and supported as you claim new levels of your power.

At some stage of our work together my clients inevitably meet roadblocks they didn’t know they had or that they thought they’d already removed. This is entirely normal and natural. We live in a culture designed to make us powerless. By choosing to speak powerfully – and grow our economic power too – we are revolutionaries. We’ll meet resistance, inwardly and perhaps outwardly too. I’m here not only to give you the tools to learn to manage this yourself, but to hold your hand and offer support when the going gets tough.

If at any time you’re feeling stuck, have a question, or need a reminder of how powerful you are, you’re welcome to voice message me on WhatsApp for the duration of Athena and I’ll respond within 24 hours. This means you can keep the momentum going rather than having to wait for our next session together.

Voice messaging is often where the best conversations, ideas, brainstorms and aha moments happen too. 

Integration weeks. I want to make sure you are well taken care of. Much shifts internally when we step into new levels of our power, and it’s evidenced all around us in our lives, not just in our business.

Every fourth week of the program there’ll be no sessions. These weeks are times for you to integrate, work on what we’ve discussed in sessions, or take a break if you need one. I’ll still be available via WhatsApp for support.

Recorded meditations and activations. Claiming our power requires working from the inside out. It requires presence and connection with ourselves. I’ll recommend and send you audio meditations and activations, written by me and recorded with my voice, if we decide they’ll support you.

They’ll help you to claim your powerful voice, meet and hear the wisdom of your inner Wise Woman, and activate your purpose in life and business.

Access to the resources that have most helped me as a powerful speaker. Along with my firsthand experience, insight and intuition, I have a range of tools that I have successfully used to grow my power, secure speaking engagements, and build my business. I will share these with you so that you can tailor them for your own voice, message and business.


Your payment options

A single payment of $7,000 + GST


$1750 + GST deposit + 6 month payment plan: Deposit of $1750 + GST + 6 monthly payments of $875 + GST. Your first monthly payment is due 30 days after your deposit is paid, then the remaining payments are due 30 days apart

*Need a different payment plan? We can discuss that. I’ll likely say yes.


Is Athena right for you?

Athena isn’t for everyone.

It’s right for you if:

  • You’re in the early stages of your movement or business, love the idea of speaking to audiences, and are wanting to create the talk you were born to deliver and a solid strategy to use speaking to grow your reach, build your brand, and gain clients – and support to implement effectively. You don’t want to waste time or energy trying to figure it out all on your own, OR…
  • You’ve already done some speaking in your business and it hasn’t yielded the results you’d hoped for. Your talks haven’t led to new clients. Perhaps you’ve also struggled with the idea of selling, and don’t know how to use your talks to sell in a way that you feel comfortable with. You want to shift to the next level, you want speaking to work for your mission and business, and you know you need support to do that, OR…
  • You’re established in your business and are wanting a new way to connect with more people, grow your impact and attract new clients, or you’ve been considering incorporating powerful speaking into your business for a while and it feels like the right time. You want to make sure that your audiences will benefit from what you share with them. Perhaps you also have some internal roadblocks that you know you’ll need to work with so that you can fully claim your power on a stage, OR…
  • You’re already speaking and want to create your own events and/or secure more speaking engagements. You’re ready to expand your visibility and reach by taking your speaking marketing to the next level, and perhaps use your signature talk to write your first book and use it to attract more speaking opportunities

It’s also for women who:

  • Have a sincere desire to contribute to creating a world in which we all thrive. If you’re driven solely to make big bucks at the expense of integrity and care for our world I’m not the right person to work with you
  • Are willing to put themselves “out there” in ways that might be confronting as they expand their visibility and reach
  • Are ready to do the work to ensure their power stands up with them when they speak, instead of what keeps them small
  • Are prepared to speak with more authenticity and perhaps vulnerability than ever before
  • Value collaborative relationships and ask for help when they need it
  • Understand that, while they’ll be lovingly supported every step of the way, their results will depend on the energy and effort they put into our work together and between sessions


If you’re feeling drawn to Athena but not quite sure if it’s right for you, please schedule a call with me (FREE initial meeting – 30 minutes) and we’ll work it out together.


Ready to join Athena?

Athena is a dynamic program where I go all-in with you for three months. I want to give you my best.

It starts with booking a time for us to talk so we can work out if Athena is the right fit for you and your business. During our call we’ll make that decision together.

This is a complimentary call and scheduling it doesn’t mean you’re obligated in any way whatsoever. It also doesn’t mean that you’ll be automatically accepted to work with me.

Please book a FREE initial meeting (30 minutes) call on my calendar. I’m looking forward to speaking with you!

Schedule your call here:

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I wanted to work with Tricia to unlock my potential. I struggled to find the freedom and confidence to speak without notes and I battled with nerves despite knowing I knew my stuff. Tricia is a unique talent. She is warm and creates a safe environment, but she applies enough pressure to push you into an unfamiliar space which offers significant benefits. The presentation structure that Tricia has developed is simple and was a revelation for me. I can now speak without notes! I can present an engaging talk with short notice and I can structure a meaningful presentation which my audience actually listen to and benefit from. Thanks to Tricia, I believe in myself and my story. Her approach is so different to anything I’ve experienced. It was eye-opening for me, and to watch the other participants go through the same process was amazing.

Claire Nicholas, Corporate Communications Manager

I worked with Tricia to learn how to plan and deliver my signature talk in a meaningful way for prospective clients and key stakeholders. Working with Tricia was intimate, emotional, uplifting and inspiring! I truly understand now what my “value proposition” actually is. When I speak now it’s from my heart and with confidence that my message is unique and resonates with the people I want to work with and the clients I want to attract. I wish I’d done this sooner!

Helen Janetzki, Director

I felt like I had a powerful message to deliver but I had always been nervous at the idea of having to stand free of a lectern or speech notes and talk to an audience for 30 or 40 minutes. Working with Tricia has given me the ability to effectively prepare a powerful presentation, and the ability to deliver that presentation with confidence, and without the need of notes; something I once thought not possible! I have walked away with a new found ‘zest’ and self-confidence! Not just in my ability to speak publicly and powerfully, but in my belief that I have a story that is worth telling, and that subsequently, I have the ability to help others by sharing my wisdom. Working with Tricia was truly fantastic!

Hannah Davis, Australian Olympic Medallist

You can read more testimonials here, case studies here, and watch video testimonials here and here.

Policies and terms

Payment plans: There was a time when I charged extra for payment plans. I don’t anymore because it doesn’t feel fair. Having said that, if you can afford to pay in full I’d greatly appreciate it as it makes a big difference for me in my business. Thank you.

If you need a different payment plan from the one I’ve outlined for Athena please tell me. I want to make this work for you and I’m willing to look at alternative options.

Refunds: There are no refunds for my programs. It’s important to me that you make an informed decision about taking part in Athena so that you can commit to yourself and what you want to achieve. Your commitment and accountability will allow me to best support you to achieve your desired results.