Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

A 3 month program starting January 2017 – in Adelaide, SA


Before I get down to the details and practicalities of the Play True program, I want you to know where I’m coming from:

I believe, at our core, we want peace and freedom.

Peace with who we are, and the freedom to express that – at work, at home, and everywhere else.

Peace with what we feel, and the freedom to say it and do it.

Peace with what we want – and don’t want – and the freedom to live it.

I also believe that we’ve been programmed to be nice, good, quiet and small. And when we live as Programmed Women, we feel as though we’re never enough – or too much. We’re governed – and so very restricted – by what we’ve been told and sold we should and shouldn’t say and do.

We worry about upsetting people, we care too much about being liked, we ignore our needs, we don’t ask for what we want, we don’t claim our space or what’s rightfully ours, we shrink, we let our nerves take over, we zip our lips, and we apologise for ourselves. Or, we worry we’re too much, too loud, difficult, high maintenance, pushy, bossy, in-your-face, or intense.

At work, our voices aren’t heard. Our ideas aren’t shared (we watch other people speak them and take all the credit). We shun opportunities to shine.

I believe that, when we resist that programming, find our voice and speak up, we feel so much more peace and spaciousness in our hearts, and freedom in our lives. We feel so much more powerful, and we become so much more powerful.

So, if you’re no longer willing to:

Then you’re ready to Play True.

Because instead of striving to play nice and play big, the truth is we feel the most peaceful and free when we find our voice and speak up.

Here’s what we’ll do, starting January 2017  

We’ll meet in person + in our secret Facebook community for a deep-dive program with me as your guide.

It looks like this:

These are our objectives:

  1. We will get real, access our true voice, and speak up
  2. We will be guided by our true voice to identify what we want, and what we need to do to get our truth done
  3. We will support one another in speaking powerfully and getting our truth done
  4. We will, hand on heart, keep one another’s confidence and be kind and respectful

Powerful speaking skills we will use and practice together:

  1. Accessing your true voice. You’ll be gently and firmly guided to discover what’s yours to say, and what it sounds like when you do it with courage, strength and truth. You’ll access the power of your voice and presence. In my experience, finding your voice is an evolving process because so are we, as powerful women. You’ll get used to finding your true voice and it will start to become natural and comfortable for you, and so much easier to block out everyone else’s opinions and ideas.
  2. Telling the truth. This is your opportunity to speak up in a safe and supportive environment and be heard, without judgment. This is incredibly empowering. Being witnessed when I speak my truth continues to be one of the greatest gifts I receive. That alone has been responsible for me stepping in to so much more of my own confidence and power.
  3. Asking for what you want. Part of our programming as women is that we don’t ask for what we want, and we accept going last and eating the crumbs. That stops now. You’ll explore what you want and how to ask for it, whether it’s a pay rise, a night off – or help. You’ll claim your voice and your right to use it.
  4. Saying no, and setting other boundaries. Your life belongs to you. You’re allowed to say no. You’ll get clear on your boundaries and how to instigate them, without apologising for yourself, or for what you want or need. You’ll create your own rules and stop shrinking and compromising to keep everyone else comfortable at your own expense.
  5. Instigating confronting conversations. Part of our programming is that we don’t dare stand for something, or if we do, we keep it to ourselves for fear of hurting people, or being rejected, judged or shamed. That stops us from speaking up when something doesn’t feel right or work for us. Together, we’ll work out the best ways for you to tackle tricky conversations, with strength and grace, so you are heard and get the results you want.
  6. Speaking to be heard and taken seriously. With so much more comfort in your own skin, you’ll start to put your hand up. You’ll own your authority when you speak. You’ll speak with purpose and confidence. You’ll share your ideas. You’ll claim your space and take all the time you need. You’ll trust yourself and your innate knowing.

I started working with Tricia when all I thought I needed was some help with my confidence around presenting my research, but her guidance has stretched far beyond that. As a result of her intuition and guidance I have managed to completely change my career around and forge my own path. This time last year I would have never expected to be in the place I am today. Sure, I know I am the one with the research knowledge and I do give myself credit, but Tricia unlocked my potential by managing to rebuild my confidence after a long spell in a less than supportive work environment. She challenged me to write my own future. I feel blessed to have had her pop into my life at the right time – I couldn’t recommend her highly enough to anyone needing guidance.

Dr Karen Nelson-Field, CEO Media Intelligence Company, Winner 2014 Telstra Business Women’s Award, Winner 2014 Newscorp Women in Innovation Award

The opportunity to work with Tricia came at the perfect time. I was in confusion and overwhelm. Within the first couple of weeks I gained confidence and clarity about how to evolve into the consultant role I had visualised, and Tricia helped me uncover what was truly important to me at a heart level, so I started to align my authentic self with my business vision. The tools and visualisation processes were very powerful, and I felt so supported by Tricia each week as she reflected to me the questions I needed to answer for myself to reveal the truth, how I can focus on what serves me, and leave behind old beliefs and habits that no longer have a purpose. I would highly recommend Tricia to anyone who is willing to face the truth of themselves, reconnect with what is important, and gain the tools and insights to make every day more productive, fulfilling and enjoyable. Thank you Tricia for your loyal support, listening and belief in who I am and my potential.

Jo Muir, The Soul Visionary

Does Play True have your name on it?

This program is for women who:

I want you to know what Play True ISN’T. There’ll be no:

You can expect:

Our Play True schedule:

The doors to our private Facebook community open on January 17.

We’ll meet in person, as a group, on the following Tuesdays from 6.30-9pm:

January 31

February 7, 14, 28

March 7, 14, 28

April 4

We meet for three weeks in a row, and then have a rest week for integration. Overall, we’ll meet eight times as a group.

Our venue is in the eastern suburbs. I’ll send you the address once you’ve registered.

You can use your two private coaching sessions with me any time between January 17 and April 18.

A word on community

We’re doing this together for a very important reason.

We are choosing to resist a culture of programming. We are rejecting good, nice, quiet, small and sweet. We are stepping in to more of our truth and power. It takes courage to show up for yourself, and it’s tough-going trying to do it on your own. Let’s not pretend otherwise.

When we do it together, we encourage and support one another and hold one another accountable. We uplift one another. We take care of one another. We make it happen together, and we do it smarter and more easily. We are so much more powerful together.

They say raising a child takes a village. I reckon speaking our truth, and raising powerful women, does too.

You don’t have to do this alone. And you won’t. We are better together.

Your investment and next steps

Early bird registration is now open for Play True.

I want to make it easy for you to say yes to yourself, and am offering several investment options:

Early bird investment

If you enrol before the early bird deadline – December 1st 2016 – you can choose between:

Option 1: Easy Payment Plan (save $295)

3 monthly instalments of $360 + GST

Option 2: Full Investment (save $295):

$1000 + GST

If you’d like to propose an alternative payment plan, please email me.

After early bird closes

If you enrol after the early bird deadline – December 2nd 2016 or later – you’ll be able to choose between:

Option 1: Deposit + Easy Payment Plan

$460 + GST

Then 2 monthly instalments of $460 + GST

Option 2: Full Investment

$1295 + GST

Please note: There are no refunds or cancellations if you change your mind. Once you book your space it’s yours, and it’s your responsibility to pay for the entire program.

Before you register, please make sure you’ve read all the information here to ensure Play True is right for you. If you’re still not sure, contact me for a chat, or take a few deep breaths and ask yourself this question: If I trusted myself, what would I choose? Remember, you’re choosing more peace and freedom for your one precious life.

By securing your place, you acknowledge that you accept these terms.

As the only woman on the executive team in my organisation, I noticed the ways I wasn’t owning my authority. I was sacrificing my weekends to catch up on work because I didn’t know how to say No and kept taking on more and more. I had difficulty accepting praise when it was offered for my achievements. I was not able to express myself as I wanted to in meetings, and watched other people raise ideas I’d had and take credit for them. I was starting to feel tired, stressed, and resentful as I felt like work was infringing on my private life.Since I’ve started working with Tricia, I’m delegating more and saying No, so that staff can take more responsibility for themselves. I have started to shut my office door at work when I’m busy. I no longer work weekends, and I’m getting better at leaving work on time.  I try not to sweat the small stuff as much. I’ve started speaking up in meetings with a lot more strength and confidence and have learnt how to accept praise to acknowledge myself and my team’s efforts.  I’m also getting better at owning my authority in my position at work.When I speak, my voice is more powerful and I feel more confident and I don’t apologise for myself as much as I used to.The big difference now is that I’m giving myself more of the respect I deserve.

C. M, Chief Financial Officer

When I first started working with Tricia, I had a lot of plans for my business but I was feeling stuck and frustrated, and not moving ahead at the pace I wanted to. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to achieve my goals, and be recognised for my work. Working with Tricia, I realised I was putting too much energy into pleasing other people, and not standing up for myself, asking for what I want and going for it. I made some huge shifts working with Tricia, not just in my business but in all areas of my life. I’ve instigated new boundaries in difficult business relationships. I’ve learnt to have confronting conversations which I avoided in the past for fear of upsetting people. I’ve also been able to create a wonderful new working and living arrangement that I never expected. I now communicate in a much more straightforward and direct way, while still being kind and respectful. And best of all, I’ve learned to say No. My newfound clarity and ability to express myself powerfully have moved things forward in my life in record time. I’ve been invited to run one of my brand new workshops interstate. I’m focused and clear about what will work for me and what won’t, and how to ask and stand up for it. I feel more aligned with my power, values and authority. I also feel stronger, freer and more at peace, knowing that things are heading in the right direction. I can’t believe how my life is changing so quickly. I know I wouldn’t be in this place without Tricia’s coaching and mentoring. I’m very grateful for her support, guidance and insight.

Monika Browne, Facilitator

Let’s be clear: Our commitment is to be brave and speak up.

We want to own our authority.

We’re willing to show up and be seen and heard.

We want to be clear about what we want and ask for it.

We want to be guided by our own truth, not someone else’s version of what’s right or best for us.

We want to know our boundaries and respect them.

We’re willing to find our voice and speak our truth, and keep going, for as long as it takes, until we feel at peace in our hearts and free in our lives.

We can have that and we will. We will Play True.

Early bird registration:

If you enrol before the early bird deadline – December 1st 2016 – you can choose between:

Option 1: Easy Payment Plan (save $295)

3 monthly instalments of $360 + GST

Option 2: Full Investment (save $295):

$1000 + GST

If you’d like to propose an alternative payment plan, please email me.

I enrolled in one of Tricia’s workshops to help me address some work-related challenges. The safe, supportive environment Tricia skilfully created enabled me to work through and hone in what the real issue was – not what I initially thought! Tricia’s skill in bringing a diverse group of capable people together and creating an essential safe space in which to explore, enrich and grow is second to none. Thank you Tricia.

Carolyn Ball, Change Manager

When I work with Tricia I feel truly heard and seen. And however I’m feeling Tricia has me feeling special and loved. She mirrors my best, most capable and powerful self. Tricia has helped me shift some really old patterns and ways of being. She’s put a stop to my doubting and sabotaging. I have always felt that Tricia works on a deep level. Her intuition and insight has her get to the real nub of an issue so darn quickly. She nails it every time. Never assuming, Tricia asks questions for exploration and validation. Only then, does she share her insights. She has nailed it every time. As uncomfortable as that is its where the profound shifts have occurred. It is where everything has changed. Tricia’s deep knowing is a true and rare gift.

Kate Woodland, Principal, Hire and Retain

Working with Tricia is an absolute delight. She has a radiance and a warmth and a beauty that brings everyone in and makes everyone feel comfortable. The work I’ve done with her has been transformational.

Carolyn Parrella, Executive Manager

Tricia has a heart connection with women when she speaks so she seemed the ideal coach to work with. She has empowered me to show up and just be me. Thanks Tricia!

Annie Harvey, Magpie Coaching

Questions? Please get in touch.