Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

944826_597551333590215_455948741_nAt the weekend I attended my first live TEDx event.

There was such care and commitment from all the volunteers who created the event, and they crafted something very special.

Close to the stage, lying back on a bright orange bean bag, with my note book and pen at the ready, I was excited to be part of the TEDx global community, and ready to swallow the experience whole.

There were 12 live talks.  Plus three more on video, recorded at events in the US and Netherlands.

I want to share with you my takeaways from watching and listening to the speakers on stage:

Sound like a lot to think about as a speaker?  It is when you choose to learn public speaking from a text book or someone who cracks the whip with worn out techniques.

I’m overjoyed to tell you that the secret to powerful speaking is connection.  Master that, and everything else falls in to place, just like magic.


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14 Responses

  1. How relevant, articulate and powerful, Tricia! I wish I had been there to experience it myself. I’m grateful to have your view on it 🙂 brilliant!

    1. Thanks Jacque, I reckon you’d enjoy going along to a TEDx. Maybe you could put your hand up to speak at the next one!

  2. Thanks Tricia. An interesting read in the wake of TEDxByronBay, held a few weeks back. I agree that it’s all about connection. And just a word to anyone contemplating getting involved in TEDx events – do it. It’s a unique opportunity to help spread ideas worth sharing. Cath x

    1. I agree Cathy and thanks for being here. TEDx events are a unique opportunity, and there’s something very special about being part of the mix, however you choose to do it.

    1. Thanks Jo. I love TED talks too, especially when they have the potential to transform (as I want all and any talk to do!).

  3. I loved these points, thanks for summarizing. Separate question – how did you NOT fall asleep in those comfy bean bag chairs?!?! I would have been out in 15 minutes flat…

    1. Ha, I stayed awake Naomi because I really, really wanted to! They were seriously comfy though, and would have been a great place for a nap.

  4. These are such great insights – not sure that I will ever get a chance to apply them to my own TED talk, but I think they are really relevant to all kinds of speaking, and even writing (except maybe the no folded arms tip)! Thanks for the great post.

    1. Hi Sophie,

      You’re right – all these tips are relevant to all kinds of speaking and writing too, absolutely. And I think the folded arms tip works with writing too (difficult to type with folded arms!)

      Thanks for being here 🙂