Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women

Tricia Karp

The Powerful Speaking Circle isn’t your average public speaking course.

You won’t be shoved into a box of how you “should” speak.

You won’t be taught a bunch of rules and techniques (that take you further away from your real power).

You won’t be “fixed” (there’s nothing wrong with you).

You won’t even be asked to deliver a talk.

In The Powerful Speaking Circle, you will simply discover your truth and speak it.

You’ll unleash the most powerful version of your voice.

And you won’t even have to try.

Because you already have everything you need to be a powerful speaker.

The problem is, if you’re like so many other brilliant women, you’ve held yourself back and zipped your lips, worrying too much about what other people might think of you and what you have to say.

You have incredible wisdom, intelligence and experiences to share. Yet, somehow and sometimes, it might seem easier to play small to keep everyone else comfortable.

Maybe you’ve been twisting yourself into knots to fit who you think other people want or expect you to be.

Perhaps you’ve been scared you’ll come across as “too much” or “too intense”.

Or, maybe you’ve fallen in to the trap of comparing yourself with other women who are putting themselves out there and owning their greatness.

Let’s stop that right now.

Why a Sacred Circle?


I’ve run all sorts of powerful public speaking programs, from half-day workshops in corporate organisations to a five-day retreat near Byron Bay.

I’ve run intensive workshops for beginners, and programs for courageous souls who’ve stood up and delivered their talks at live events, to an audience, while being filmed.

This work works. I’ve watched transformation happen before my very eyes, as clients have become more comfortable in their own skin and unleashed more of their power on a stage. Some have gone on to become highly successful professional speakers and authors.

Prompted by the breakdown of my marriage, when I started asking myself some big questions, I remembered – and longed for – time in sacred space in the Temple, the place where I first discovered my true voice.

In the Temple I was blown away by how I spoke.

I often didn’t even know what I was going to say, just that it was my turn to speak. And when I did?

Everyone in the room listened. I was heard in ways I never had been before. I first experienced the power of owning the room, and holding an audience in the palm of my hand.

I learnt so much about myself by hearing what I had to say and what the other women said. I also felt the safest and most supported I’d ever been to speak from my heart.

It occurred to me that, even though I’d been presenting for years as a TV and radio newsreader, my real power and presence were ignited in the Temple, and started to develop and strengthen from there.

Powerful speaking starts on the inside.

Sacred circles are the most potent, safe and supportive way I know to discover and speak your truth, and unleash the most powerful version of your voice – and yourself.

Is The Powerful Speaking Circle for you?

This sacred circle is for women who:

Who am I to lead the Circle?


Firstly, I want you to know this: I used to be the queen of holding myself back and zipping my lips.

While I played the role of prime time TV newsreader, news director, journalist and voice artist for more than 20 years, and was widely known and highly regarded for my voice, it was a different story when it came to speaking my truth.

A classic pleaser, I would hold back for fear of upsetting someone. I was also worried I’d be judged, or make a mistake and look foolish.

When the moment finally came that I decided to own who I really am – my gifts and talents, what I have to offer, and create work I love doing – everything changed.

Doors started to open. Clients aligned with my message began to turn up. I work with and support the most inspiring women who are saying yes to themselves. I regularly speak to female leaders and those aspiring to be. I work with amazing women who want to share their experiences and lessons to inspire, motivate and persuade people – and bring their best, most powerful selves to the table.

These days, I feel utterly free to speak, to put myself out there, and to own who I am and what I’m here for. I’m done with trying to fit any boxes.

It’s a wonderful feeling. I want that for you too.

It all started for me the first time I sat in a sacred circle.

I’ve since facilitated circles for guests at Olivia Newton-John’s Gaia Retreat, for a group from Hugh Jackman’s Gwinganna Health Retreat, as well as various private circles.

I’m the number one bestselling author of “Own It: Powerful Speaking for Powerful Women” and “Media Talk”.

My work has been featured on Sunrise, The Australian, ABC, 4BC, The Advertiser and in many more media outlets.

I’m known for my ability to inspire, persuade and generate results for the women I work with. I’m also known for my fun and genuine style, and ability to create safe and supportive environments that will enable you to grow and be your best.

Here’s what some of my clients say about working with me:

I learnt how to speak from a place of ‘realness’. After working with Tricia, nothing is holding me back. There are no limits, and I control where I go from here. I’m confident, self-assured, and at ease with who I am.

Taryn Brumfitt, Author, Speaker & Founder, Body Image Movement

The safe, supportive environment Tricia skilfully created enabled me to work through and hone in what the real issue was – not what I initially thought! Tricia’s skill in bringing a diverse group of capable people together and creating an essential safe space in which to explore, enrich and grow is second to none.

Carolyn Ball, Change Manager

Working with Tricia is an absolute delight. She has a radiance and warmth and a beauty that brings everyone in and makes everyone feel comfortable. The workshops I’ve done with her have been transformational.

Carolyn Parrella, Executive Manager

You can read more rave reviews here, and watch video testimonials here and here.

You have something to say

You might not know what that is just yet. It takes a guided approach, clear guidelines, and a group and environment that offers the highest levels of safety and support to discover what’s yours to say.

Because, when you’re met with resistance from others (your own is more than enough to deal with!) it shuts down your voice and your truth. It silences your power.

So many of us already do that exceptionally well.

Our time together in the sacred circle is designed to move you closer to yourself, the real you that’s innately capable of being a dynamic and brilliant speaker.

It’s a journey to the heart of who you are. Honouring your gifts, talents and experiences – all of you – you’ll discover what’s yours to say.

Our time together is deep and intimate, with guidance and support from me all the way.

In The Powerful Speaking Circle, you will:

You might be surprised by what you say in our sacred circle.

You certainly will be blown away by how powerfully you speak, and the impact you have on the other women in our circle, who will support you every step of the way.

What does talking in a sacred circle have to do with public speaking?

Everything. It’s as simple as that. And as hard as that.

Here’s why. The most powerful speakers:

All of this demands accessing your truth and speaking it, from your heart, and owning how amazing you really are.

It’s easier said than done. The missing ingredient for so many of us is having a safe place to discover our true voice, and then having it heard in ways that give us the strength and confidence to keep using it.

We don’t get those opportunities from friends, family, colleagues or our boss at work.

You need to be part of the right group of women who are as invested in your power and success as you are, and who won’t judge you.

Once you discover your true voice, you can start to speak more powerfully in all sorts of situations, whether that’s on the stage, in the boardroom, or during important conversations.

One of the rare gifts of being in sacred space is walking away with a renewed – or perhaps even brand new – understanding and acceptance of your power – and magnificence.

What we’ll do in our Circle

You’ll enter the Temple to connect with yourself and the other women in the group.

You’ll be invited to claim your cushion and speak what longs to be spoken.

You’ll share the stories that most need airtime, and start to sift through what’s ready to be let go, and which stories contain important messages for you and will accompany on your journey to becoming a more powerful speaker.

We’ll take part in ritual, meditation, lots of sharing, dance, and enjoy a delicious lunch, morning and afternoon tea.

Three weeks after our time together, you’ll take part in a group call during which we’ll check in with one another, and you can ask me any questions to help you integrate your sacred circle experience into your life.

Tricia is an extraordinary facilitator. She works with everyone at their own level, and she offers challenges and a lot of support. She gives the information and the invitation to guide me deeper, and find out more about myself, so that whatever I’m talking about becomes more authentic. Tricia walks her talk, and I really believe in her.

Nikki Fort, www.nikkifort.com

Working with Tricia has reminded me about the importance of speaking from my heart, and that’s what engages people, and not to be afraid to do that. Working with Tricia is a really safe, beautiful experience, and she’s a great model for me to see somebody who is talking to us from her genuine self with her authenticity and her compassion. I found that to be critical as well. Tricia walks that talk.

Nicola Lipscombe, Founder, Powerful Listening

Working with Tricia enabled me to get out of my very clever business head and into my heart and actually share heartfelt stories that truly make a difference. It was very empowering to come from an inspiring place and be inspiring myself. Tricia was terrific. I found her very inspiring because it’s very much from the heart and that’s what I was looking for.

Sally Curtis, Business Consultant, Business Mums Solutions

The Powerful Speaking Circle is NOT for you if:

The Powerful Speaking Circle is an introduction to powerful speaking without having to stand up on a stage and deliver a talk to an audience. Still, it can be confronting, especially if you’re not accustomed to real, authentic speaking.

Even if you’ve worked with me before, this experience will take you and your speaking to a deeper, more powerful level.

I invite you to bring all of yourself to the circle. Everything is welcome, as long as it’s the truth.

I recommend using The Powerful Speaking Circle as a foundation for The Story Temple Writing Retreat in Bali or The Temple Talks Event. If you decide to take part in all three workshops you can take advantage of significant savings. Please click here to learn more.

Your Investment & Next Steps

Registration is now open for The Powerful Speaking Circle on April 8 & 9, 2016 – in Adelaide, SA.

It’s happening at The Monastery Function Centre, 15 Cross Road, Glen Osmond. There is plenty of easy on-site car parking.

The workshop runs from 9.30am – 5pm each day. You’re welcome to arrive any time from 9am to make a cup of tea and settle in. We will start at 9.30am sharp so please be on time.

Upon registration you’ll be sent more information, including how to prepare for our time together and what you need to bring.

If you are coming from outside Adelaide, we can help you with easy and convenient accommodation options. Feel free to email my support team at support{at}wisetalk.com.au.

Cancellation Policy

Registration for this program is non-refundable and non-transferable. 

On this website, you’ll find plenty of information to help you make an informed decision. If you still have questions, you’re welcome to contact me directly.

Before you register, please read all of the program information to make sure The Powerful Speaking Circle is right for you. By clicking on one of the Registration buttons below, you acknowledge that you accept these terms.


Your investment is $1950 + GST.

Your investment includes all tuition in our sacred circle, a yummy lunch and delicious snacks.

There’ll also be a group call three weeks after our time together so we can reconnect with one another, and you can ask any questions or get support as you integrate what took place in the sacred circle into the rest of your life. The group call will happen on May 3rd.

You have 3 easy investment options:

Option 1: Secure My Place

($500 Deposit)

* The remaining investment is due 14 days prior to the workshop

Option 2: Easy Payment Plan

(4 fortnightly payments of $500 + GST)

Option 3: Full Investment

(1 Single Investment of $1950 + GST)

If you know this is for you, then take action today and secure your place. I keep the numbers in the group small to create a more intimate and powerful learning experience.

Before I worked with Tricia there were nerves and I’d worry, I didn’t know if I was going to come across as myself or if it was okay to be myself. It’s difficult because you’re in front of people and you think they’re going to judge you. Working with Tricia has allowed me to realise that the passion I have is okay, and it’s okay to be me. Working with Tricia is amazing, she just radiates passion and she cares. It’s amazing working with her.

~ Melissa Westgate, Partnerships & Fundraising Manager

The biggest thing for me is just a sense of confidence, and a sense of clarity and calm about being able to speak in front of people. The way Tricia talks is very soothing and you instantly feel really comfortable. Tricia is good at what she does and she’s able to cater to a really wide range of people.

~ Becchara Palmer, Australian Olympic Beach Volleyballer

I’ve never been comfortable in front of anyone, and it was terrifying at first, it was a really big challenge. Now I’m excited to share my story and help others. I feel invigorated and excited.

~ Astrid Varga, Property Manager